Mathematics 🔢
Our vision at Parkfield is for all children to enjoy mathematics and have a secure and deep understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts and procedures when they leave us to go to secondary school. We want children to see the mathematics that surrounds them every day and enjoy developing vital life skills in this subject.
Parkfield Primary School will endeavour to provide the highest possible quality of mathematical education. It will meet the requirements specified in the National Curriculum Orders and the will of the Headteacher, staff, parents and governors.
Curriculum Coverage
Other Maths Curriculum Links
The links below take you to specific aspects of our Mathematics curriculum.
Counting activities are included in lessons on a daily basis.
These pages give further detail about Parkfield's calculation policy.
These are the number facts that children are expected to learn by the end of each year.
Our Passports are used on a weekly basis to develop mental recall strategies.
You can find copies of our target sheets that are used to asses pupils each year.
These pages give further information about the Singapore Bar Modelling Method. It's an approach we use as a whole school when solving word problems.
Maths Mastery Approach
At Parkfield, we are delivering a mastery curriculum in maths. In order to embed this we are using the 'White Rose Hub' Maths scheme from Y1-Y6.
Teaching maths for mastery is a transformational approach to maths teaching which stems from high performing Asian nations such as Singapore. When taught to master maths, children develop their mathematical fluency without resorting to rote learning and are able to solve non-routine maths problems without having to memorise procedures.
What Mastery is:
Evidence-based approach to teaching maths
Helps pupils develop a deep, long-term and adaptable understanding of maths
Inclusive approach where all children achieve
Slower pace which results in greater progress
Reflected in the 2014 English national curriculum for mathematics
Endorsed by the Department for Education, NCETM and OFSTED
Underpinning this approach is the use of CPA (concrete, pictoral, abstract), variation, cooperative learning, problem solving and relational understanding in order to secure and deepen understanding.
Maths Mastery Lesson
At Parkfield, whole class teaching takes place with children working in mixed ability groups. We also spend a longer amount of time on the important topics.
Although each lesson is different, we structure the vast majority of our lessons in the following way:
Counting Activity
Familiar Activity
Anchor task which involves one problem for all children to explore with concrete materials if needed. The teacher then takes the children’s ideas and structures their thinking to clarify the concept and procedures being taught. If necessary the teacher will introduce a new concept/procedure at this stage.
Guided practice (I do, we do) – further examples of the concept being taught are explored by the teacher and children. The use of variation is vital here and enables teachers to aid children in making connections and to deepen their understanding of the important variables of a concept. During this part of the lesson children discuss and explain their reasoning. It is also an opportunity to spot patterns and reflect on their understanding.
Independent Practice (You do) – children continue to solve similar problems independently. They are also challenged to apply their learning to different types of problems.
Immediate intervention takes place for those pupils that haven't understood a particular area. New learning is built upon previous understanding, so in order for learning to progress and to keep the class together pupils need to be supported to keep up and areas of difficulty must be dealt with as and when they occur. We do this through immediate interventions after a lesson. In addition, we run intervention sessions outside of the maths lesson for some targeted children.
Depending on the age group, and at which point in the topic the teaching is taking place, one lesson may be spread over 2 days.
Those children who have difficulty in understanding the concept are supported in a number of ways: concrete and visual resources, peer support, teacher questioning and allowing them time to process. If they have still not grasped the concept then the teacher intervenes by working either one to one or in a small group. If the basics of a concept are not secure this will impede their learning journey.
Those children who have grasped the concept are challenged to 'dive deeper' by finding different methods and evaluating the efficiency of the methods; to explain their reasoning; spot patterns; write other problems for the same concept.
In a Parkfield mastery maths lesson you may see children struggling at certain points of the lesson. We understand that this is an important stage of learning and we allow children time to discuss and reflect on their understanding and work through the difficult points of their learning journey.
More information can be found in the Maths policy.
Maths Policy