Year 6 pupils can apply to be part of the ‘Technology Team’ pupil group who are ambassadors for Computing across the school. They meet on a weekly basis to learn a variety of new, exciting and advanced computing skills, guided by a framework of expectations written collaboratively with local schools in PIRAMIDD. Over the year, they take part in a variety of tasks and are given responsibilities to develop their photography skills, promote e-safety to others, develop their STEM skills, share their knowledge with other pupils, help teachers and support parents. They also meet up with other pupils in similar positions in other local schools to share their knowledge and experiences.

Training teaching with some IT tips in a 'Friday Forum' meeting.
Learning how to use specialised equipment.
Programming and exploring games in the weekly after school club.
Taking part in a Computing activity session with other PIRAMIDD schools.
Deliveing an Internet Safety Day assembly to the whole school.
Visiting the BETT Show in London to try out new and emerging edtech resources.