Year 5 Art and Design
Autumn Term
I need space- Drawing
This unit focuses on understanding retrofuturism, developing skills in evaluating images and creating art through various drawing processes, including collagraph printmaking. It emphasises the development of pupils' independent artistic skills and their ability to generate, test, and refine ideas in their sketchbooks, leading to a final piece of artwork.
What is the purpose of space imagery? To explore the purpose and effect of imagery.
What materials will you choose? To understand and explore decision making in creative processes.
How can we create a collagraph print? -Teis Albers. To develop drawn ideas through printmaking.
How will I create a vision of the future? To test and develop ideas using sketchbooks.
How can we improve our work? To apply an understanding of drawing processes to revisit and improve ideas.
I need space- Drawing
National Curriculum Objectives
To create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas.
To learn about great artists, architects and designers in history.
To develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]
Spring Term
Portraits- Painting & mixed media
This unit offers pupils opportunities to develop skills in creating interesting portrait drawings using words, experimenting with materials and techniques, and constructing self-portraits that represent aspects of themselves. This comprehensive unit enhances their understanding and application of art vocabulary and encourages thoughtful decisions in their artwork composition.
How can we develop our portrait using a poem? To explore how a drawing can be developed.
How can we develop our self portraits? To combine materials for effect.
What fetures of a self portrait have artists used? To identify the features of self-portraits.
How can we change our faces? To develop ideas towards an outcome by experimenting with materials and techniques.
How will you create a mixed-media portrait? To apply knowledge and skills to create a mixed-media self-portrait.
Portraits- Painting & mixed media
National Curriculum Objectives
To create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas.
To improve their mastery of Art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay].
To know about great artists, architects and designers in history.
Summer Term
Interactive installation- Sculpture & 3D
In this topic pupils will learn about installation art, including identifying and comparing art installations, exploring space and scale in 3D art, problem-solving in construction, planning installations to communicate ideas, and applying knowledge to develop and present installation art pieces effectively.
What is installation art? To identify and compare features of art installations.
How can we use space and scale in a model? To investigate the effect of space and scale when creating 3D art.
How can we be creative with everyday items? To problem-solve when constructing 3D artworks.
What message will your art communicate? To plan an installation that communicates an idea.
What have you learned about intallation art? To apply their knowledge of installation art and develop ideas into a finished piece.*
Interactive installation- Sculpture & 3D
National Curriculum Objectives
To develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
To learn about great artists, architects and designers in history.
To create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas.
Art & Design Day
Architecture- Craft & Design
This unit focuses on architecture, guiding pupils through observational drawing, printmaking, and building design. It encourages children to explore architectural elements, analyse Hundertwasser's work, and create meaningful monuments, enhancing their understanding of composition, design, and art appreciation.
How can we draw a house from observation? To apply observational drawing skills to interpret forms accurately. *
How can we create a monoprint? To apply composition skills to develop a drawing into print.
What will your new building look like? To apply an understanding of architecture to design a building.
How can we use the style of Friedensreich Hundertwasser in our work? To extend design ideas through research and sketchbook use.
How will you design your monument? To explore and evaluate the intention of a design.
Architecture- Craft & Design
National Curriculum Objectives
To develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kind of art, craft and design.
To create sketchbooks to record their observations and use them to review and revise ideas.
To improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay].
To learn about great artists, architects and designers in history.