Reception PSHE & RSE


Autumn 1

Me and My Relationships

Talk about their own interests.

Talk about their families.

Talk about how they are the same or different to others.

Share their favourite interests and objects.

Talk about themselves positively.

Listen to what others say and respond.

Talk about the important people in their lives.

Understand that we have different special people.

Name key people outside of families that care for them.

Talk about when they might feel unsafe or unhappy.

Name the people who will help them.

Notice when a friend is in need at school and help them.

Describe different emotions.

Explore how we feel at certain times or events.

Identify ways to change feelings and calm down.

Identify events that can make a person feel sad.

Suggest ways in which they can help a friend who is sad.

Choose ways to help themselves when they feel sad.

Autumn 2

Valuing Difference

Describe their own positive attributes.

Share their likes and dislikes.

Listen to and respect the ideas of others.

Recognise the similarities and differences amongst their peers.

Discuss why differences should be celebrated.

Retell a story.

Talk about their family, customs and traditions.

Listen to others talk about their experiences.

Compare their own experiences with those of others.

Recognise the similarities and differences between their home and those of others.

Talk about what makes their home feel special and safe.

Be sensitive towards others.

Suggest ways in which we can be kind towards others.

Demonstrate skills in cooperation with others


Spring 1

Keeping Myself Safe

Name things that keep their bodies safe.

Name things that keep their bodies clean and protected.

Think about how to recognise things that might not be safe.

Make safe decisions about items they don’t recognise.

Talk about what our bodies need to stay well.

Name the safe ways to store medicine and who can give it to children (adults).

Name some hazards and ways to stay safe inside.

Name some hazards and ways to stay safe outside.

Show how to care for the safety of others.

Listening to my feelings

Name the adults who they can ask for help from, and will keep them safe.

Recognise the feelings they have when they are unsafe.

Talk about keeping themselves safe, safe touches and consent.

Name the people in their lives who help to keep them safe.

Name people in their community who help to keep them safe.

Talk about ways to keep themselves safe in their environment.

Spring 2

Rights and Responsibilities 

Name the special people in their lives 

Understand that our special people can be different to those of others.

Talk about why friends are important and how they help us.

Identify ways to care for a friend in need.

Identify ways to help others in their community.

Identify ways in which they help at home.

Recognise the importance of taking care of a shared environment.

Name ways in which they can look after their learning environment.

     Think about what makes the world special and beautiful.

Name ways in which they can help take care of the environment, e.g. recycling, saving energy, wasting less.

Talk about what can happen to living things if the world is not cared for.

Recognise coins and other items relating to money.

Identify the uses of money.

Talk about why it’s important to keep money safe.

Identify ways to save money.

Talk about why we save money.


Summer 1

Being my Best

Share an experience where they haven’t achieved their goal.

Develop their confidence and resilience towards having a growth mindset.

Name a strategy to overcome a hurdle.

Recognise that some skills take time to learn.

Plan and review an achievable goal.

Celebrate the successes of their peers.

Name and choose healthy foods and drink.

Understand there are some foods that are a “just sometimes” food or drink (eating in moderation). 

Explain the jobs of different food groups.

Identify the 5 ways to support their wellbeing.

Name some activities or ideas to promote positive mental health.

         Reflect on their mental health and how they can protect it.

Describe the changes in their body during exercise and what is happening to their body.

Explain how exercise can help us stay well - physically and mentally.

Name some ways to keep their body fit and well.

Understand why our body needs sleep.

Talk about their own bedtime routine.

Suggest ways to have a calm evening and bedtime routine.

Summer 2

Growing and Changing

Name the different seasons and describe their differences.

Explain the changes that occur as seasons change.

Talk about how they have grown in resilience.

To understand that animals and humans change in appearance over time.

Use relevant vocabulary such as egg, seed, baby, grow, change, old, young (and the names for young animals).

Make observations and ask questions about living things.

Retell a story and respond to questions about it.

Use the language and describe the different life stages of: baby, child, teenager, adult, older age.

Talk about their own experience of growing up.

Explain that a baby is made by a woman and a man, and grows inside a mother’s tummy.

Understand that every family is different.

Talk about similarities and differences between themselves and others

Talk about how they have changed as they have grown.

Explain the differences between babies, children, and adults.

Understand that we are all unique.

Name parts of the body (including reproductive parts) using the correct vocabulary.

Explain which parts of their body are kept private and safe and why.

Tell or ask an appropriate adult for help if they feel unsafe.