Computing Knowledge Organisers, Retrieval and Assessment
Computing Knowledge Organisers
Bespoke Knowledge Organisers have been created for each key primary phase detailing all of the Computing knowledge we expect pupils to know and be able to recall, for each strand of the subject. These match the Computing progression document's end-points for each year, corresponding with the Primary Computing National Curriculum expectations.

Computing Vocabulary Progression
Children are regularly exposed to new subject-specific vocabulary in Computing lessons, as highlighted on the knowledge organisers.
Opportunities are provided for children to be taught the etymology behind many Computing terms - both 'tier three' words (subject specific) and 'tier two' words (generic terms that cross subjects). By helping children learn the interesting histories and meanings behind these, their cultural capital is being developed and they gain a greater insight into the subject.

Computing Retrieval Quizzes
These Knowledge Organisers are shared with pupils and they are asked to complete a linked online, low-stakes, automatically-marking multiple-choice quiz (shown below with questions for each year group and term) at the beginning of each lesson to check their ability to recall the essential facts on them. New questions are added several times during the year to ensure both recent and older content is covered.
Children's results are automatically displayed in a grid for the teacher to easily identify strengths and weaknesses. Questions which children commonly struggle on are discussed as a whole class to address any misunderstandings. Through repeated practice doing the quizzes, these whole class interventions and support from their peers, we are able to ensure that their ability to remember more improves over time as knowledge becomes embedded.

Computing Curriculum Structure
Parkfield's Computing scheme has been coherently planned and organised so that pupils access content from each strand annually, with many of the same applications being used each year with new, additional features being taught each time. Spacing content out like this promotes retrieval and encourages them to develop expert knowledge over time, thus increasing the likelihood of pupils getting better at Computing over time (rather than falling behind).
Formative Assessment Within Computing Lessons
All children are taught and encouraged to work at the expected standard - labelled as 'great' - in Computing lessons. The success criteria is shared with them in the sequential order it should be completed in, moving from 'good' to 'great' to 'super', thus allowing their current attainment to be easily identified. Children know they are working well in a lesson as they progress through each expectation (sometimes using a paper-based skills checklist to tick-off and monitor themselves), with many exceeding expectations by achieving 'super' criteria. Staff observe both the standard of the end-product outcomes children produce which they save in their online Showbie portfolios and the journey they take to get there (editing/modifying/improving) to fully understand their Computing capabilities. Constructive, verbal feedback is given to them directly whilst they are working to move their learning forwards immediately - resolving issues, clarifying misconceptions, fixing bugs and suggesting extra features to enhance its quality, for example.
Effective questioning is used to help check pupils' retention and understanding of topics, including:
whole-class closed questions that require non-verbal feedback (using thumbs up/down, a number of fingers to match a multiple-choice question answer, right/left hand up) - particularly useful for getting quick feedback on pupils' understanding to check if any mid-lesson adaptations are needed;
open-ended questions that are valuable for promoting higher-order thinking skills and helping children make connections between different Computing topics to improve retention (What would happen if...?) - often an opportune moment to incoporate co-operative learning strategies where pupils can share and collaborate their ideas with each other.
Children are also taught and encouraged to use their Parkfield 'learning powers' in Computing lessons to develop their self-confidence:
being curious (showing interest);
concentrating (keeping focused);
showing resilience (asking their partner 'buddy' before asking an adult for help or attempting to use their initiative first to solve problems themselves);
being co-operative (sharing ideas and wanting to support others);
wanting to continuously improve (being creative and aspirational).
These powers are incredibly important in promoting pupil achievement and those children who are able to regularly demonstrate the ability to confidently use them are thus likely to succeed highly in Computing.
Mock Real-Life I.T. Projects
At the end of each year, children complete a summative project based on a mock real-life business wanting a variety of IT tasks to be completed for them (e.g. a sweet shop, an ice cream parlour, a zoo etc.). Children are challenged to work as independently as possible in selecting the most appropriate software for each task and using its tools to meet the buisness' content and design expectations (e.g. making branded merchandise, creating a profit spreadsheet, producing advertisements etc.). These projects give children the opportunity to apply the skills they've been taught in scenarios that mimic those they'd experience beyond school, meeting our curriculum vision for ensuring they are prepared for the wider world we live in. They are also a great summative skills assessment tool for understanding what children are able to do fluently, supporting end-of-year judgements and helping decide what skills need greater teaching focus to be planned in for the following year.
Summative Assessment - Computing Effort and Attainment Grades
Meeting Age Related Expectations: At Parkfield, our teacher assessment of the retention of the skills and knowledge requires pupils to achieve most (approx. 60% or above) of the objectives from the Computing Progression Overview Document in a particular strand to be meeting age related expectations.
Exceeding Age Related Expectations: To exceed the expected standard, pupils will be achieving the vast majority (approx. 80% or above) to achieve higher, greater depth or mastery.
An assessment of each strand is only recorded electronically when it has been taught and this WT/AT/AB grade can be updated throughout the year.
A termly effort grade (A*-E) is also recorded and reported to parents outlining a child's motivation to work to the best of their ability.
As with all subjects at Parkfield, a number of moderation exercises, with both teachers and subject leaders, regularly take place to ensure that teacher assessment is accurate and consistent across the school.