Year 1 PSHE & RSE
PSHE and RSE lessons in Year 1. This is Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, including mental health and wellbeing. RSE education is: Relationships education, Relationships and sex education. Lesson plans are organised around the PSHE Association's Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, the new DfE guidance for Relationships Education and Health Education, the National Curriculum and Curriculum for excellence. PSHE education, including mental health and wellbeing lessons ensure progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.
Autumn 1
Me and my relationships
Why do we have classroom rules?
Understand that classroom rules help everyone to learn and be safe.
Explain their classroom rules and be able to contribute to making these.
How are you listening?
Demonstrate attentive listening skills
- Suggest simple strategies for resolving conflict situations.
Give and receive positive feedback and experience how this makes them feel.
Thinking about feelings
Recognise how others might be feeling by reading body language/facial expressions.
Understand and explain how our emotions can give a physical reaction in our body eg butterflies.
Ho do you feel?
Identify a range of feelings.
Identify how our feelings might make us behave.
Suggest strategies for someone not experiencing not so good feelings.
Feelings and bodies
Recognise that peoples bodies and feelings can be hurt.
Suggest ways of dealing wih different kinds of hurt.
Good friends
Identify simple qualities of friendship.
Suggest simple strategies for making up.
Autumn 2
Valuing differences
Is everbody the same or different?
Identify the similarities and differences between people
Empathise with those that are different from them
Begin to approach the positive aspects of these differences
Unkind, tease or bully
Explain the difference between, unkindness, teasing and bullying
Understand that bullying is quite rare.
What are Harold's school rules?
Explain some of there school rules and how those rules help to keep everybody safe.
It's not fair
Recognise and explain what is fair and unfair, kind and unkind
Suggest ways they can show kindness to others
Who are our special people?
Identify some of the people who are special to them
Recognise and name some of the qualities that make a person special to them.
Our special balloons
Recognise that they belong to various groups and communities such as their family.
Explain how these people help us and we can also help them to help us.
Spring 1
Keeping Safe
What is super sleep?
Recognise the importance of sleep in maintaing a healthy balanced lifestyle.
Identify simple bedtime routines that promote healthy sleep.
Who can help? (1)
Recognise emotions and physical feelings associated with feeling unsafe.
Identify people who can help them when they feel unsafe.
Good or bad touches?
Understand and learn the PANTS rule.
Name and know which parts are private
Explain the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touch.
Understand that they have the right to say no to inappropriate touch.
Start thinking about who they trust and who they can ask for help.
What could Harold do?
Understand that medicines can sometimes make people better when they're ill.
Explain simple issues of safety and responsibility about medicines and their use.
Harold loses Geoffrey
Recognise the range of feel
Spring 2
Rights and respects
Harold has a bad day
Recognise how a persons behaviour can affect other people.
Around and about the school
Identify what they like about the school about the school environment
Recognise who cares for and looks after the school environment.
Taking care of something
Demonstrate responsibility in looking after something
Explain the importance of looking after things that belong to themselves or others
Harold's money
Explain where people get money from
List some of the things that money may be spent on in a family home
How should we look after our money?
Recognise that different notes and coins have different monetary value
Explain the importance of keeping money safe
Identify safe places to keep money
Understand the concept of saving money
Basic first aid
Summer 1
Being my best
I can eat a rainbow
Recognise the importance of fruit and vegetables in their daily diet
Know that eating at least five portions of vegetables and fruit a day helps to maintain health.
Harold's wash and brush up
Recognise the importance of regular hygiene routines
Sequence personal hygiene routines into a logical order
Eat well
Recognise that they may have different tastes in food to others
Select foods from the eatwell guide in order to make a healthy lunch
Catch it! Kill it! Bin it!
Understand how disease can spread
Recognise and use simple strategies for preventing the spread of diseases
Harold learns to ride his bike
Recognise that learning a new skill requires practise and the opportunity to fail safely
Pass on the praise
Demonstrate attentive listening skills
Suggest simple strategies for resolving conflict situations
Give and receive positive feedback and experience how it makes them feel
Summer 2
Growing and Changing
Healthy me
Understand that the body gets energy from food, air and water
Recognise that exercise and sleep are important parts of a healthy lifestyle
Then and now
Identify things that they could do as a baby, a toddler and can do now
Identify the people who help them at those different stages
Taking care of a baby
Explain some of the tasks required to look after a baby
Explain how to meet the basic needs of a baby
Who can help (2)
Explain the difference between teasing and bullying
Give examples of what they can do if they experience or witness bullying
Say who they could get help from in a bullying situation
Surprises and secrets
Explain the differences between a secret and a nice surprise
Identify situations as being secrets or surprises
Identify who they talk to if they feel uncomfatable about any secret they are told to keep
Keeping privates private
Identify parts of the body that are private
Describe ways in which private parts can be kept private
Identify people they can talk to about their private parts