Year 3 Design and Technology

Parkfielders will be taught the full coverage of the KS1 and KS2 Design & Technology curriculum and this is categorised into five content areas: Structures, Mechanisms, Electrical Systems (KS2 only), Cooking and Nutrition and Textiles. 

There are then four strands that run through each topic: Design, Make, Evaluate and Technical Knowledge.

Autumn Term

Pneumatic Toys (Mechanisms)

Pupils explore pneumatic systems, then apply this understanding to design and make a pneumatic toy including thumbnail sketches and exploded diagrams.

National Curriculum Objectives

Spring Term

Cushions (Textiles)

Pupils learn and apply two new sewing techniques – cross-stitch and appliqué and utilise these new skills to design and make a cushion.

National Curriculum Objectives

Summer Term

Constructing a Castle (Structures)

Pupils learn about the features of a castle, pupils design and make one of

their own. They will also be using configurations of handmade nets and

recycled materials to make towers and turrets before constructing a

stable base.

National Curriculum Objectives