Computing Pedagogy
Our Computing curriculum is taught through a pedagogy that follows the educational research of 'Rosenshine's Ten Principles of Instruction':
Low-stakes mini retrieval quiz at the start of each lesson that are automatically marked for children, linked with bespoke Parkfield Computing knowledge organisers.
Clear success criteria, presented in the sequence it should be completed in (Good > Great > Super).
Checklists given to pupils for them to self-assess their progress.
Use of open-ended questions during plenaries to prompt discussion (Why...? How...?).
Children are often asked to find mistakes/bugs in work to help them learn how to spot and correct them.
Encouraging deeper thinking to extend situations through questioning (What would happen if...?)
Annotated WAGOLLs highlighting key features are given to the pupils.
Shared examples of good pieces of work from previous years with pupils.
Explanations and justifications behind features are discussed so children understand why decisions have been made.
Cross-curricular and real-life links made where appropriate.
Whole class guided demonstrations at the start of lessons.
Links with prior learning are recapped.
Pupils are encouraged to use their 5Bs (Brain - Board - Book - Buddy - Boss) if they feel challenged whilst doing their work.
Regular use of co-operative learning strategies for pupils to generate ideas and feedback on each others' work.
Scores from each online retrieval quiz are recorded automatically so instant feedback can be given and any misconceptions addressed.
Regular questioning of pupils on knowledge and vocabulary, linked with bespoke Computing knowledge organisers.
Children given an annual mock real-life Computing project where they create multimedia content for a pretend company.
Children prompted to justify the design choices when creating content.
The majority of pupils expected to work towards completing 'great' success criteria in lessons, with many also encouraged to complete 'super' tasks too.
Attainment expectation grids for each Computing strand show progression across year groups so children can build on their skills.
Several lessons in each year group go above and beyond National Curriculum requirements to best prepare pupils for going into KS3.
Children provided with materials in each lesson to support them complete work - WAGOLLs, checklists, online help guides etc.
Programming lessons include code commentary alongside example programs to improve their comprehension of it. More command blocks are gradually hidden over time as their understanding develops.
Lessons are sequenced to support retrieval and scaffolding - a mixture of blocks (e.g. programming) and 'little but often' (e.g. e-safety)
Children are encourage to talk about their learning - metacognition.
Routines are developed across lessons so children become familiar with sequences.
Promotion of 'resilience' - one of the school's values.
Super tasks in lessons can often involve elements of reasoning/problem solving (e.g. to program code to make a game more challenging to play).
Retrieval quizzes cover content first from most recent lessons, then content from previous terms. Questions are a variety of basic fact recall, vocabulary definitions and logical reasoning problems to solve.