Year 3 Physical Education
Autumn 1
Invasion Games - Ball familiarisation
Recognise and describe the effects of exercise on the body.
Practice the correct technique for catching a ball and use it in any game situation.
Move with a ball in a variety of ways with some control.
Show 2 different ways of moving with a ball in a game.
Know how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.
Autumn 2
Choose ideas to compose a movement sequence independently and with others.
Develop the quality of their actions, shapes and balances.
Use a range of jumps in their sequence.
Create interesting body shapes whilst holding balances with control and confidence.
Perform a forward roll from standing.
Perform a variety of jumps on a mat and off equipment.
Net and Wall - Bat and Ball Skills
Give examples of net and wall games and know what these types of games involve.
Understand the importance of good footwork, movement and positioning in net and wall games, including the ready position.
Use throwing and catching skills in games involving precision and accuracy with some success.
Effectively serve a ball using the underarm technique and demonstrate this in a game.
Effectively hit the ball back over the correct technique.
Sometimes work as a team to keep a rally going.
Spring 1
Net and Wall - Volleyball
Give examples of net and wall games and know what these types of games involve.
Understand the importance of good footwork, movement and positioning in net and wall games, including the ready position.
Use throwing and catching skills in games involving precision and accuracy with some success.
Control the ball using basic skills.
Know how to hit a ball using elements of a volley technique and sometimes demonstrate this in a game, including using the correct stance.
Spring 2
Recognise and describe the effects of exercise on the body.
Begin to improvise with a partner to create a simple dance.
Use simple dance vocabulary to compare and improve work.
Perform with some awareness of rhythm and expression.
Perform learnt skills and techniques with control and confidence.
Watch, describe and evaluate the effectiveness of a performance.
Invasion Games - Netball
Continue to practice the correct technique for holding a ball.
Continue to practice the correct technique for catching a ball.
Move without a ball in a variety of ways with some control.
Show 2 different ways of passing a ball in a game.
Know how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.
Summer 1
Explain why it is important to warm up and cool down.
Focus on their arm and leg action to improve their sprinting techniques.
Understands the importance of adjusting running pace to suit the distance being run.
Use one and two feet to take off on.
Perform a push throw.
Compete against self and others in a controlled manner.
Watch and evaluate others performance.
Outdoor and Adventurous Activities /Team Building
Explain what teamwork involves and demonstrate some teamwork skills to help achieve the goal;
With guidance, identify the problem and possible solutions to solve it;
Mostly cooperate with others to solve the problem, demonstrating some effective teamwork skills;
Understand and sometimes use directional language to navigate others with some success;
Understand the concept of a map and use a key and symbols on a simple map, with support if necessary;
Summer 2
Striking and Fielding
Catch a ball accurately.
Strike a stationary ball in an intended direction.
Strike a bowled ball in an intended direction.
Play cooperatively with teammates, making decisions about when to run for points and when to not;
Choose and use a range of simple tactics and strategies when striking and fielding;
Invent rules for striking and fielding games.
Invasion Games - Basketball
Continue to practice the correct technique for holding a ball.
Continue to practice the correct technique for catching a ball.
Move with a ball in a variety of ways with some control.
Show 2 different ways of moving with a ball in a game.
Know how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.