Year 3 Physical Education

Autumn 1

Invasion Games - Basketball & Tag Rugby

  • Recognise and describe the effects of exercise on the body.

  • Practice the correct technique for catching a ball and use it in a game situation.

  • Move with a ball in a variety of ways with some control.

  • Show 2 different ways of moving with a ball in a game.

  • Know how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.

Autumn 2


  • Choose ideas to compose a movement sequence independently and with others.

  • Develop the quality of their actions, shapes and balances.

  • Use a range of jumps in their sequence.

  • Create interesting body shapes whilst holding balances with control and confidence.

  • Perform a forward roll from standing.

  • Perform a variety of jumps on a mat and off equipment.

Net and Wall - Volleyball

  • Give examples of net and wall games and know what these types of games involve.

  • Understand the importance of good footwork, movement and positioning in net and wall games, including the ready position.

  • Use throwing and catching skills in games involving precision and accuracy with some success.

  • Effectively serve a ball using the underarm technique and demonstrate this in a game.

  • Effectively hit the ball back over the net using a volley technique.

  • Sometimes work as a team to keep a rally going.

Spring 1

Net and Wall - Tennis

  • Give examples of net and wall games and know what these types of games involve.

  • Understand the importance of good footwork, movement and positioning in net and wall games, including the ready position.

  • Use throwing and catching skills in games involving precision and accuracy with some success.

  • Control the ball using basic racket skills.

  • Hit a ball along the ground with some accuracy using a tennis racket.

  • Know how to hit a ball using elements of a forehand technique and sometimes demonstrate this in a game, including using the correct grip.

Spring 2


  • Recognise and describe the effects of exercise on the body.

  • Begin to improvise with a partner to create a simple dance.

  • Use simple dance vocabulary to compare and improve work.

  • Perform with some awareness of rhythm and expression.

  • Perform learnt skills and techniques with control and confidence.

  • Watch, describe and evaluate the effectiveness of a performance.

Invasion Games - Lacrosse

  • Recognise and describe the effects of exercise on the body.

  • Practice the correct technique for picking up a ball.

  • Practice the correct technique for catching a ball.

  • Move with a ball in a variety of ways with some control.

  • Show 2 different ways of moving with a ball in a game.

  • Know how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.

Summer 1


  • Explain why it is important to warm up and cool down.

  • Focus on their arm and leg action to improve their sprinting techniques.

  • Understands the importance of adjusting running pace to suit the distance being run.

  • Use one and two feet to take off on.

  • Perform a push throw.

  • Compete against self and others in a controlled manner.

  • Watch and evaluate others performance.

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities /Team Building

  • Explain what teamwork involves and demonstrate some teamwork skills to help achieve the goal;

  • With guidance, identify the problem and possible solutions to solve it;

  • Mostly cooperate with others to solve the problem, demonstrating some effective teamwork skills;

  • Understand and sometimes use directional language to navigate others with some success;

  • Understand the concept of a map and use a key and symbols on a simple map, with support if necessary;

Summer 2

Striking and Fielding

  • Catch a ball accurately.

  • Strike a stationary ball in an intended direction.

  • Strike a bowled ball in an intended direction.

  • Play cooperatively with teammates, making decisions about when to run for points and when to not;

  • Choose and use a range of simple tactics and strategies when striking and fielding;

  • Invent rules for striking and fielding games.

Invasion Games - Lacrosse

  • Continue to practice the correct technique for picking up a ball.

  • Continue to practice the correct technique for catching a ball.

  • Move with a ball in a variety of ways with some control.

  • Show 2 different ways of moving with a ball in a game.

  • Know how to keep and win back possession of the ball in a team game.