Year 4 PSHE & RSE

PSHE and RSE lessons in Year 4. This is Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, including mental health and wellbeing. RSE education is: Relationships education, Relationships and sex education. Lesson plans are organised around the PSHE Association's Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, the new DfE guidance for Relationships Education and Health Education, the National Curriculum and Curriculum for excellence. PSHE education, including mental health and wellbeing lessons ensure progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.


Autumn 1

Me and my relationships

  • Human machines

Demonstrate strategies for working on a collaborative task;

Define successful qualities of teamwork and collaboration.

  • Ok or not ok?

Explain what we mean by a ‘positive, healthy relationship’;

Describe some of the qualities that they admire in others.

  • Ok or not ok?

Recognise that there are times when they might need to say 'no' to a friend;

Describe appropriate assertive strategies for saying 'no' to a friend.

  • An email from Harold

Describe 'good' and 'not so good' feelings and how feelings can affect our physical state;

Explain how different words can express the intensity of feelings.

  • Different feelings

Identify a wide range of feelings;

Recognise that different people can have different feelings in the same situation;

Explain how feelings can be linked to physical state.

  • Under pressure

Give examples of strategies to respond to being bullied, including what people can do and say;

Understand and give examples of who or where pressure to behave in an unhealthy, unacceptable or risky way might come from.

Autumn 2

Valuing Difference

  • Can you sort it?

Define the terms 'negotiation' and 'compromise';

Understand the need to manage conflict or differences and suggest ways of doing this, through negotiation and compromise.

  • What should I do?

List some of the ways that people are different to each other (including differences of race, gender, religion);

Recognise potential consequences of aggressive behaviour;

Suggest strategies for dealing with someone who is behaving aggressively.

  • The people we share our world with

List some of the ways in which people are different to each other (including ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs, customs and festivals);

Define the word respect and demonstrate ways of showing respect to others' differences.

  • That is such a stereotype!

Understand and identify stereotypes, including those promoted in the media.

  • Friend or Acquaintance?

Recognise that they have different types of relationships with people they know (e.g. close family, wider family, friends, acquaintances);

Give examples of features of these different types of relationships, including how they influence what is shared.

  • Islands

Understand that they have the right to protect their personal body space;

Recognise how others' non-verbal signals indicate how they feel when people are close to their body space;

Suggest people they can talk to if they feel uncomfortable with other people's actions towards them.


Spring 1

Keeping Safe

  • Danger, risk or hazard?

Define the terms 'danger', 'risk' and 'hazard' and explain the difference between them;

Identify situations which are either dangerous, risky or hazardous;

Suggest simple strategies for managing risk.

  • How dare you?

Define what is meant by the word 'dare';

Identify from given scenarios which are dares and which are not;

Suggest strategies for managing dares.

  • Keeping ourselves safe

Describe stages of identifying and managing risk;

Suggest people they can ask for help in managing risk.

  • Raisin challenge (2)

Understand that we can be influenced both positively and negatively;

Give examples of some of the consequences of behaving in an unacceptable, unhealthy or risky way.

  • Picture wise

Identify images that are safe/unsafe to share online;

Know and explain strategies for safe online sharing;

Understand and explain the implications of sharing images online without consent.

  • Medicines: check the label

Understand that medicines are drugs;

Explain safety issues for medicine use;

Suggest alternatives to taking a medicine when unwell;

Suggest strategies for limiting the spread of infectious diseases (e.g. hand-washing routines)

Spring 2

Rights and Respects

  • Who helps us stay healthy and safe?

Explain how different people in the school and local community help them stay healthy and safe;

Define what is meant by 'being responsible';

Describe the various responsibilities of those who help them stay healthy and safe;

Suggest ways they can help the people who keep them healthy and safe.

  • It's your right

Understand that humans have rights and also responsibilities;

Identify some rights and also responsibilities that come with these.

  • How do we make a difference?

Understand the reason we have rules;

Suggest and engage with ways that they can contribute to the decision-making process in school (e.g. through pupil voice/school council);

Recognise that everyone can make a difference within a democratic process.

  • In the news!

Define the word influence;

Recognise that reports in the media can influence the way they think about a topic;

Form and present their own opinions based on factual information and express or present these in a respectful and courteous manner.

  • Safety in numbers

Explain the role of the bystander and how it can influence bullying or other anti-social behaviour;

Recognise that they can play a role in influencing outcomes of situations by their actions.

  • Why pay taxes

Explain what is meant by the terms 'income tax', 'National Insurance' and 'VAT';

Understand how a payslip is laid out showing both pay and deductions;

Prioritise public services from most essential to least essential.


Summer 1

Being my Best

  • What makes ME?

Explain what is meant by the terms 'income tax', 'National Insurance' and 'VAT';

Understand how a payslip is laid out showing both pay and deductions;

Prioritise public services from most essential to least essential.

  • Making choices

Understand that humans have rights and also responsibilities;

Identify some rights and also responsibilities that come with these.

  • SCARF hotel

Understand that the body gets energy from food, water and oxygen and that exercise and sleep are important to our health;

Plan a menu which gives a healthy balanced of foods from across the food groups on the Eatwell Guide (formerly Eatwell Plate)

  • Harold's seven R's

Understand the ways in which they can contribute to the care of the environment (using some or all of the seven Rs);

Suggest ways the Seven Rs recycling methods can be applied to different scenarios.

  • My school community (1)

Define what is meant by the word 'community';

Suggest ways in which different people support the school community;

Identify qualities and attributes of people who support the school community.

  • Basic first aid

Summer 2

Growing and Changing

  • Moving house

Describe some of the changes that happen to people during their lives;

Explain how the Learning Line can be used as a tool to help them manage change more easily;

Suggest people who may be able to help them deal with change.

  • My feelings are all over the place

Name some positive and negative feelings;

Understand how the onset of puberty can have emotional as well as physical impact

Suggest reasons why young people sometimes fall out with their parents;

Take part in a role play practising how to compromise.

  • All change!

Identify parts of the body that males and females have in common and those that are different;

Know the correct terminology for their genitalia;

Understand and explain why puberty happens.

  • Secret or surprise?

Define the terms 'secret' and 'surprise' and know the difference between a safe and an unsafe secret;

Recognise how different surprises and secrets might make them feel;

Know who they could ask for help if a secret made them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

  • Together

Understand that marriage is a commitment to be entered into freely and not against someone's will;

Recognise that marriage includes same sex and opposite sex partners;

Know the legal age for marriage in England or Scotland;

Discuss the reasons why a person would want to be married, or live together, or have a civil ceremony.