Reception Design and Technology

Parkfielders will be taught the full coverage of the KS1 and KS2 Design & Technology curriculum and this is categorised into five content areas: Structures, Mechanisms, Electrical Systems (KS2 only), Cooking and Nutrition and Textiles. 

There are then four strands that run through each topic: Design, Make, Evaluate and Technical Knowledge.

Autumn Term

Junk Modelling (Structures)

In this unit, pupils explore and learn about various types of permanent and temporary join. They are encouraged to tinker using a combination of materials and joining techniques in the junk modelling area.

Seasonal Projects

Autumn: Hibernation boxes

Why do animals need a hibernation box? To understand what hibernation needs and why some animals hibernate.

Christmas: Sliding Santa Chimneys

ELG: Fine Motor Skills 

ELG: Creating with Materials 

ELG: The Natural World: 

ELG: Creating with Materials 

ELG: Creating with Materials 

Spring Term

Textiles: Bookmarks

Seasonal Projects

Easter: Hanging egg decoration

Spring: Flower threading

ELG: Fine Motor Skills: 

ELG: Creating with materials: 

ELG: Creating with materials: 

ELG: Fine Motor Skills 

ELG: Creating with materials: 

Summer Term

Structures: Boats

In this unit, children explore what is meant by ‘waterproof’, ‘floating’ and ‘sinking’, then experiment and make predictions with various materials to carry out a series of tests. They learn about the different features of boats and ships before investigating their shape and structures to build their own.

Seasonal Projects

Summer: Designing a rainbow salad

Summer: Making a rainbow salad

ELG: Speaking: 

ELG: The Natural World: 

ELG: Creating with materials: 

ELG: Speaking: 

ELG: Managing self: 

ELG: The Natural World: