Collective Worship
The school follows the Local Authority’s agreed syllabus for Religious Education. Assemblies, the daily collective Act of Worship and religious teaching emphasise and promote a Christian way of life but also show recognition of other faiths. The majority of assembly themes have a spiritual, moral, social or cultural development link. Assemblies are also used as opportunities to learn about British Values and to celebrate children’s achievements.
The school also have regular 'Picture News' assemblies (see below) which look at current affairs locally, nationally and globally. Each picture news assembly also covers a British Value and is focussed around a key question for pupils to consider.
There are also strong links with the community and church at Parkfield. We enjoy inviting the community into school to watch performances and concerts presented by the children. These include class assemblies and concerts. We also attend our local church at special times to celebrate Harvest, Christmas and Easter.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education and Collective Worship but they must inform the school if they intend to do so.
Picture News Coverage