Year 5 PSHE & RSE

PSHE and RSE lessons in Year 5. This is Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, including mental health and wellbeing. RSE education is: Relationships education, Relationships and sex education. Lesson plans are organised around the PSHE Association's Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, the new DfE guidance for Relationships Education and Health Education, the National Curriculum and Curriculum for excellence. PSHE education, including mental health and wellbeing lessons ensure progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.


Autumn 1

Me and my relationships

  • Collaboration challenge

Explain what collaboration means;

Give examples of how they have worked collaboratively;

Describe the attributes needed to work collaboratively.

  • Give and take

Explain what is meant by the terms negotiation and compromise;

Describe strategies for resolving difficult issues or situations.

  • How good a friend are you?

Demonstrate how to respond to a wide range of feelings in others;

Give examples of some key qualities of friendship;

Reflect on their own friendship qualities.

  • Relationship cake recipe

Identify what things make a relationship unhealthy;

Identify who they could talk to if they needed help.

  • Our emotional needs

Recognise basic emotional needs, understand that they change according to circumstance;

Identify risk factors in a given situation (involving smoking or other scenarios) and consider outcomes of risk taking in this situation, including emotional risks.

  • Being assertive

Identify characteristics of passive, aggressive and assertive behaviours;

Understand and rehearse assertiveness skills.

Autumn 2

Valuing Difference

  • Qualities of friendship

Define some key qualities of friendship;

Describe ways of making a friendship last;

Explain why friendships sometimes end.

  • Kind conversations

Rehearse active listening skills:

Demonstrate respectfulness in responding to others;

Respond appropriately to others.

  • Happy being me

Develop an understanding of discrimination and its injustice, and describe this using examples;

Empathise with people who have been, and currently are, subjected to injustice, including through racism;

Consider how discriminatory behaviour can be challenged.

  • The land of the red people

Identify and describe the different groups that make up their school/wider community/other parts of the UK;

Describe the benefits of living in a diverse society;

Explain the importance of mutual respect for different faiths and beliefs and how we demonstrate this.

  • Is it true?

Recognise that some people can get bullied because of the way they express their gender;

Give examples of how bullying behaviours can be stopped.

  • Stop, start stereotypes

Recognise that some people can get bullied because of the way they express their gender;

Give examples of how bullying behaviours can be stopped.


Spring 1

Keeping Safe

  • Spot bullying

Demonstrate strategies to deal with both face-to-face and online bullying;

Demonstrate strategies and skills for supporting others who are bullied;

Recognise and describe the difference between online and face-to-face bullying.

  • Decisions, Dilemmas

Recognise which situations are risky;

Explore and share their views about decision making when faced with a risky situation;

Suggest what someone should do when faced with a risky situation.

  • Ella's diary dilemma

Define what is meant by a dare;

Explain why someone might give a dare;

Suggest ways of standing up to someone who gives a dare.

  • Vaping: Healthy or unhealthy?

Describe some of the health risks caused by vaping;

Understand that there are potential health risks of vaping that are not yet fully known;

Use critical thinking skills when reading information/media;

Understand that companies selling vaping products do so to make money;

Describe some of the possible outcomes of taking a risk.

  • Would you risk it?

Identify risk factors in a given situation (involving smoking) and consider outcomes of risk taking in this situation, including emotional risks;

Understand the actual norms around smoking/alcohol and the reasons for common misperceptions of these.

Spring 2

  • What's the story

Identify, write and discuss issues currently in the media concerning health and wellbeing;

Express their opinions on an issue concerning health and wellbeing;

Make recommendations on an issue concerning health and wellbeing.

  • Fact or Opinion?

Understand the difference between a fact and an opinion;

Understand what biased reporting is and the need to think critically about things we read.

  • Mo makes a difference

Explain what we mean by the terms voluntary, community and pressure (action) group;

Give examples of voluntary groups, the kind of work they do and its value.

  • Rights, respects and duties

Define the differences between responsibilities, rights and duties;

Discuss what can make them difficult to follow;

Identify the impact on individuals and the wider community if responsibilities are not carried out.

  • Spending wisely

State the costs involved in producing and selling an item;

Suggest questions a consumer should ask before buying a product.

  • Lend us a fiver

Define the terms loan, credit, debt and interest;

Suggest advice for a range of situations involving personal finance.


Summer 1

Being my Best

  • It all adds up!

Know the basic functions of the four systems covered and know they are inter-related.

Explain the function of at least one internal organ.

Understand the importance of food, water and oxygen, sleep and exercise for the human body and its health.

  • Different skills

Identify their own strengths and talents;

Identify areas that need improvement and describe strategies for achieving those improvements.

  • My school community (2)

State what is meant by community;

Explain what being part of a school community means to them;

Suggest ways of improving the school community.

  • Independence and responsibility

State what is meant by community;

Explain what being part of a school community means to them;

Suggest ways of improving the school community.

  • Star qualities

Describe 'star' qualities of celebrities as portrayed by the media;

Recognise that the way people are portrayed in the media isn't always an accurate reflection of them in real life;

Describe 'star' qualities that 'ordinary' people have.

  • Basic First Aid including sepsis awareness.

Summer 2

Growing and Changing

  • How are they feeling?

Use a range of words and phrases to describe the intensity of different feelings

Distinguish between good and not so good feelings, using appropriate vocabulary to describe these;

Explain strategies they can use to build resilience.

  • Taking notice of our feelings

Identify people who can be trusted;

Understand what kinds of touch are acceptable or unacceptable;

Describe strategies for dealing with situations in which they would feel uncomfortable, particularly in relation to inappropriate touch.

  • Dear Ash

Explain the difference between a safe and an unsafe secret;

Identify situations where someone might need to break a confidence in order to keep someone safe.

  • Growing up and changing bodies

Identify some products that they may need during puberty and why;

Know what menstruation is and why it happens.

  • Changing bodies and feelings

Know the correct words for the external sexual organs;

Discuss some of the myths associated with puberty.

  • HELP! I'm a teenager - get me out of here

Recognise how our body feels when we’re relaxed;

List some of the ways our body feels when it is nervous or sad;

Describe and/or demonstrate how to be resilient in order to find someone who will listen to you.