Year 1 Music
Music lessons in year 1...
By the end of Year 1 children will
Listen and appraise. Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music.
Musical Activities. Use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically. Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music. Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.
Perform and Share: Use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Play tuned and un-tuned instruments.
Autumn Term
Autumn 1 - Keeping the pulse (My favourite things)
Can you find the pulse
To demonstrate an understanding of pulse using parts of the body.
Singing a sound pattern
To keep a pulse and show a sound pattern using bodies and voices.
Using a thinking voice
To explore using a thinking voice to show the pulse
Reading sound patterns
To play short rhythms in time with the pulse
Practise makes perfect
To demonstrate an understanding of pulse through performance.
Autumn 2 - Tempo (Snail and Mouse)
Snail and Mouse
To explore using voices and bodies expressively.
Exploring rhyme with Snail and Mouse
To practise a rhyme using fast and slow beats on instruments.
Singing Snail and Mouse
To use voices to perform a song with a fast and slow beat.
Performing Snail and Mouse
To use singing voices and an instrument to perform a song with a fast and slow beat.
The story of Snail and Mouse
To demonstrate fast and slow beats within the context of a story.
Spring Term
Spring 1 - Dynamics (Seaside)
Vocal and body sounds
To understand how music can be used to represent an envirnonment
Embodying the seaside
To understand how music can represent changes in an environment.
Musical treasure hunt
To explore using instruments, body and voice to create a seaside soundscape.
Seaside story
To explain what texture and structure are
Musical Vocabulary
To understand key musical vocabulary; dynamics, pitch, pulse, rhythm, structure, tempo, texture, timbre
Spring 2 - Timbre and rhythmic patterns (Faitytales)
Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Character voices
To use voices expressively to speak and chant.
Timbre and rhythmic patterns: Starting with instruments
To select suitable instrumental sounds to represent a character
Timbre and Rhythmic patterns: Rhythm
To compose and play a rhythm.
Timbre and Rhythmic patterns: Responding to Music
To recognise how timbre is used to represent characters in a piece of music.
Timbre and Rhythmic patterns: Keeping the pulse
To keep the pulse using untuned instruments.
Summer Term
Summer 1 - Pitch and Tempo (Superheroes)
Pitch and Tempo: High Fliers
To understand the concept of pitch.
Pitch and Tempo: Pitch patterns
To create a pattern using two pitches.
Pitch and Tempo: Faster than a speeding bullet
To understand the concept of tempo.
Pitch and Tempo: Superhero Theme Tune
To create a superhero theme tune.
Pitch and Tempo: Final performance
To perform confidently as part of a group
Summer 2 - Vocal and body sounds (By the sea)
The Sea: Vocal and Body sounds
To understand that music can be used to represent an environment.
Vocal and Body sounds: Embodying the sea
To understand how music can represent changes in an environment.
Vocal and Body Sounds: Musical treasure hunt
To select instruments to match seaside sounds.
Vocal and Body sounds: Seaside story
To recognise and use dynamics and tempo.
Vocal and Body sounds: Seaside soundscape
To write music down and perform from a graphic score.