The Human Body
Year 1
Unit Overview
This project teaches children that humans are a type of animal, known as a mammal. They name body parts and recognise common structures between humans and other animals. They learn about the senses, the body parts associated with each sense and their role in keeping us safe.
Children will complete a variety of tasks whilst wearing a blindford, such as:
stack rings from smallest to largest
complete a simple toddler jigsaw
count how many objects on a tray
We will write down how we will keep our tests fair and also record our results.
Not applicable for this unit of work
Unit Sequence: Learning Intentions
What are the different parts of the human body called? To identify, draw, name and label the basic parts of the human body
Where is your __________? To identify, draw, name and label the basic parts of the human body
Why are our eyes important? To say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Why are our ears important? To say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Why is our tongue important? To say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Why is our nose important? To say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
Scientific Enquiry: Investigations
Do the oldest children have the biggest feet? To use observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions.
Investigate what happens when you place hands in different water temperatures.
Non-Fiction books about the human body