Reading Ambassadors
Our team of Reading Ambassadors will share their love of reading with every child at Parkfield through class discussions, assemblies and whole school displays.
The Reading Ambassadors will encourage every child at Parkfield to be a life-long reader, they will be excellent role models for reading across the school and share ideas about how to improve reading at Parkfield.
The Reading Ambassador team is made up of fourteen children from across Key Stage 2 who will meet once every half term with Mr Robinson / Mrs Clawson to discuss our priorities for reading: how we can encourage pupils, staff and parents to read more for enjoyment.
The team will organise book themed events, keep shared reading areas up to date and tidy and create posters and displays.
What have our Reading Ambassadors achieved?
The Reading Ambassadors team have previously chosen a whole school focus author for each half term and shared the author’s books with all classes.
Each class has a Love To Read box for one child per class to take home at the weekend and choose an exciting Love to Read book to enjoy with a hot chocolate and some treats!
Year 5's reading ambassadors are working hard to promote the class libraries across school and they have created a 'Parkfield loves to read' box to record wonderful reading experiences.
We have a box for all pupils to put their ideas in to for how to improve reading for enjoyment across the whole school.
We have arranged visits to Middleton Library for all children at Parkfield once every term. and further links with other subject leaders to organised visits to utilise the resources the library offer such as sources and artefacts linking with History topics.
What are our Reading Ambassadors going to do next?
Encourage staff to share their love of reading with children and create a staff reading display
Speak to the school community about creating a book exchange for adults in and out of school.
Develop our whole school library so that it is a friendly and exciting place to read and relax.