Reception Religious Education
Autumn Term
Autumn 1
Which stories are special and why?
To talk about some religious stories.
To recognise some religious word, eg. about God.
To identify some of their own feelings in the stories they hear.
To identify a sacred text, eg. Bible, Qur'an.
To talk about what Jesus teaches about keeping promises and say why keeping promises is a good thing to do.
To talk about what Jesus teaches about saying 'thank you', and why it is good to thank and be thanked.
Autumn 2
Which times are special and why?
To give examples of special occasions and suggest features of a good celebration.
To recall simple stories connected with Christmas and a festival from another faith (Sukkot and Diwali).
To say why Christmas and a festival from another faith is a special time for Christians, Jewish people and Hindus.
Spring Term
Spring 1
Which people are special and why?
To talk about people who are special to them.
To say what makes their family and friends special to them.
To identify some of the qualities of a good friend.
To reflect on the question ‘Am I a good friend?’
To recall and talk about stories of Jesus as a friend to others.
To recall stories about special people in other religions and talk about what we can learn from them.
Spring 2
Which places are special and why?
To talk about somewhere that is special to themselves, saying why.
To be aware that some religious people have places which have special meaning for them.
To talk about the things that are special and valued in a place of worship.
To identify some significant features of sacred places.
To recognise a place of worship.
To get to know and use appropriate words to talk about their thoughts and feelings when visiting a church.
During this unit of work we hope to visit a local church.
Which times are special and why?
To recall simple stories connected with Easter.
To say why Easter is a special time for Christians.
Summer Term
Summer 1
Where do we belong?
To re-tell religious stories making connections with personal experiences.
To share and record occasions when things have happened in their lives that made them feel special.
To recall simply what happens at a traditional Christian infant baptism and dedication.
To use additional opportunities if you have children from religions other than Christianity in your setting.
To recall simply what happens when a baby is welcomed into a religion other than Christianity.
Summer 2
What is special about our world?
To talk about things they find interesting, puzzling or wonderful and also about their own experiences and feelings about the world.
To re-tell stories, talking about what they say about the world, God, human beings.
To think about the wonders of the natural world, expressing ideas and feelings.
To express ideas about how to look after animals and plants.
To talk about what people do to mess up the world and what they do to look after it.