Curriculum Overview
Reception (Autumn 1)
The following curriculum overview gives you details about what your child will be learning this half term in class. Please look at the links at the bottom of the page to see the different objectives that are being covered across a range of subjects and how you can help your child at home.
In Reception we do a lot of learning through exploration. Each day we have activities planned to develop your child’s knowledge and skills. We try and encourage them to direct the way the topic develops by asking questions that need to be investigated or by demonstrating a particular interest. Your child is encouraged to read, write, count and problem solve on a daily basis through challenges and careful questioning by the staff.
Wonderful Me!
Our priority this half term is to get to know your child, their interests, likes, dislikes and make them feel safe and happy at school.
They will begin their Parkfield journey and become Proud Parkfielders.
We will strive to inspire and engage all pupils instilling a love for learning right from the very start.
Driver: Physical Education
Key Questions:
Do you want to be friends?
Would you like to play with me?
We will explore these questions and more in this project about friendship, being kind and working together.
Lines of enquiry include:
being kind
being helpful
similarities and differences
people who help us
Memorable Moments
Some of the memorable moments for our pupils this half term will include:
Performing in a whole school assembly.
Sharing a theatre experience with our families and enjoy discussing what we have seen, what we liked and disliked.
Going on an autumn welly walk.
Completing weekly baking tasks led by our learning and pupil interests. (Reinforcing healthy lifestyles and dental hygiene)
Personal, Social and Emotional
This half term we will:
learn about ourselves our dislikes and likes.
learn about our families and what makes us feel happy.
talk about when we feel sad and what we can do to help.
learn to be Positive, Ambitious, Resilient and Kind.
learn to be safe and be safe at school.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Can become engrossed in an activity and finds it difficult to switch attention to another task.
Can identify a wider range of feelings, e.g. scared, excited, angry, frustrated, nervous, worried and joyful.
Can focus attention in a whole class group for a teaching session, e.g. phonics.
Is willing to keep trying if something is difficult or challenging.
Manages self
Makes independent choices and is confident to try new things although prefers to choose activities that are within their capability.
Perseveres with fastenings on coats and follows instructions to dress and undress for PE and Forest School.
Washes hands without reminders.
Building Relationships
Is aware of the needs of others but can find it hard to let others take the lead.
Interacts with a variety of children and is building good relationships with adults and other children.
Is able to identify when another child is upset and respond appropriately.
Communication and Language
This half term we will:
learn the days of the week song, our Spanish greeting song, Harvest songs and other songs relating to our topic ‘Let’s be Friends’.
be encouraged to speak about ourselves.
work in small groups and work on listening with their eyes, ears, head and heart.
build our confidence because our adults will model new vocabulary in lessons to equip us with new language and understanding.
practice following instructions and asking for things we need.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Listens carefully at story time and can retain what has been heard and recall key points.
Responds to a series of instructions and responds to a range of questions.
Contributes relevant comments in discussions.
Communicates confidently with peers and adults.
Uses talks to communicate needs, news, feelings and ideas.
Uses new vocabulary.
Physical Development
This half term we will:
wash our hands well and learn about dental hygiene.
master getting the waterproofs on.
head to the dough disco.
have weekly PE with a specialist teacher.
ride bikes in big, open spaces.
begin to record letters with correct formation.
have a range of activities to access in our provision.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Fine Motor Skills
Attempts to use a tripod grip with some consistency.
Often chooses to draw, representing recognisable objects or shapes in work.
Use scissors to cut along curved lines, holding scissors in the correct position.
Is able to mould and shape clay with fingers and tools.
Gross Motor Skills
Uses a range of ways to move appropriately, e.g. jumping, hopping, sliding.
Can climb over, under and through obstacles, e.g. climbing frame and large construction obstacle courses.
Uses large construction to build.
Love of Reading
Pupils will read a range of books about friendship, rules, starting school. Here are some of the books we will cover:
MINE by Sue Heap
The Colour Monster by Anna LLenas
Super Duper You by Sophy Henn
Otto A fish out of water (understanding of why we need rules and what happens when we don’t follow them)
Rainbow fish (exploration of friendships, sharing and our PARKfield characteristic being KIND.
Supertato ( exploring harvest and healthy foods for our body)
Lost and Found (Understanding of feeling lonely, the importance of friends)
Funny bones (exploring our bodies, looking at different bones)
A range of non- fiction exploring healthy life styles and dental hygiene.
Phonics - Read, Write, Inc.
Read single letter sounds. Introduce I.
Begin correct letter formation in a variety of ways.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Has a love of stories and listens attentively to story time.
Enjoys talking to others about favourite stories.
Is able to talk about the main events in the story and predict what might happen.
Can retell a story using role play or small world resources, using some story language.
Word Reading
Can match Phase 2 graphemes and phonemes.
Can blend and read Phase 2 cvc words.
Can read Phase 2 captions.
Can read Phase 2 tricky words.
Can segment and spell Phase 2 cvc words.
Can match Phase 2 graphemes and phonemes.
Writes cvc words and labels.
Is starting to write simple captions.
Says a simple sentence for writing (oral and count words).
Writes some lower case letters correctly.
Uses some upper case letters, e.g. for own name, Mum and Dad.
Cardinality and Counting
Purchasing snack at snack time
Doubles to 5
Sorting ordering and comparing
Make a number with 2 different kinds of things
Shape and Space
Positional language
Riding trikes around interesting routes
Making a complete circuit with a train track
Making dens with various materials
Making shape pictures
Making repeating autumn patterns.
How long is my arm?
Key times of the day
School routine
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Can subitise to 5 and is beginning to talk about the different ways that amounts of 5 can be made.
Numerical Patterns
Counts objects accurately to 10 using one to one correspondence and can identify when objects have the same, less that or more than.
Recognises numbers to 10 and puts them in order.
Shape, space and measure
Uses some shape names appropriately and understands prepositional language.
Creates a repeated pattern with colour and shape.
Understanding the World
This half term we will:
look at similarities and differences in our friends’ lives and the way in which they live by sending Pedro the Pug for mini visits.
take a tour around the world looking at different food and sample some.
look at the Season Autumn and things we may find.
go on a welly walk.
participate in weekly forest school activities
join whole school assemblies and get to know our new community.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Past and Present
Understands the difference between past and present and is building up knowledge of key historical events through topics, stories and community events, e.g. Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day.
People Culture and Communities
Listens carefully to stories about different places and is beginning to recognise that different places have different features, e.g. recognising the difference between life in this country and other countries.
Knows about some celebrations and is able to talk about how they might be celebrated, e.g. Christmas, Advent, Diwali.
Knows that Collective Worship is part of the life of the school community.
Natural World
Describes some features of plants and animals and identifies when things are the same and different.
Notices, observes and talks about seasonal changes.
Expressive Arts and Design
This half term we will:
look at our faces
look at similarities and differences
draw ourselves
make harvest hats.
learn dance routines and explore different shapes with our bodies.
be taught weekly PE by a specialist.
complete observational drawings.
access a range of resources in our provision.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Makes some independent choices about the resources needed and talks about creations.
Uses different textures in creations and will combine media.
Cuts along curved lines with scissors and uses moulding tools with malleable materials.
Uses a range of shapes and colours to represent observational drawings.
Plays alongside others to develop storylines in role play or small world.
Sings familiar songs.
Rehearses for, and performs in, the nativity play.
Moves in response to music.