Reception Physical Education

Autumn 1

Body Management

  • Revise and refine the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired:

- rolling, crawling, walking, jumping, running, hopping, skipping, climbing.

  • Progress towards a more fluent style of moving, with developing control and grace.

  • Develop the overall body strength, co-ordination, balance and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.

Fundamental Movement

  • Send & receive a ball by rolling from hand & striking with foot.

  • Aim & throw an object underarm.

  • Catch a balloon/bean bag/scarf & sometimes a bouncing ball.

  • Move and stop safely in a specific area.

  • Play a passing & target game alone and with a partner.

Autumn 2


  • To understand the basic shapes and travel movements in gymnastics.

  • Develop overall body-strength, balance, co-ordination and agility.

  • Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and outside, alone and in a group.

Spring 1


  • Combine different movements with ease and fluency.

  • Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.

  • Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.

  • Listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.

  • Watch and talk about dance and performance art, expressing their feelings and responses.

  • Explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups.

Manipulation and Coordination

  • Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and

outside, alone and in a group.

  • Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching,

kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.

  • Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in

activities that involve a ball.

  • Use own baton to hit a variety of objects in different ways.

  • Combine steering with other actions using bilateral movements.

  • Listen, respond and coordinate hands and feet to touch a target.

Spring 2

Problem Solving

  • Show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.

  • Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall

health and wellbeing: - regular physical activity.

  • Cooperate with a partner to move across defined areas.


  • zzz

  • zzz

  • zzz

  • zzz

  • zzz

  • zzz

Summer 1

Body Management

  • Develop the fundamental movement skills they have already acquired using apparatus:

- rolling, crawling, walking, jumping, running, hopping, skipping, climbing.

  • Work on a more fluent style of moving, with developing control and grace.

  • Further develop the overall body strength, co-ordination, balance and agility needed to engage successfully with future physical education sessions and other physical disciplines including dance, gymnastics, sport and swimming.

Run, Jump & Throw

  • Describe how the body feels when still and exercising.

  • Run in different ways for a variety of purposes.

  • Jump in a range of ways, landing safely.

  • Throw an object at a target.

  • Control their body when performing a range of movements.

Summer 2

Problem Solving

  • Show resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge.

  • Know and talk about the different factors that support their overall

health and wellbeing: - regular physical activity.

  • Cooperate with a partner to move across defined areas.

  • Work as a team to achieve an end goal.

Manipulation and Coordination

  • Confidently and safely use a range of large and small apparatus indoors and

outside, alone and in a group.

  • Further develop and refine a range of ball skills including: throwing, catching,

kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.

  • Develop confidence, competence, precision and accuracy when engaging in

activities that involve a ball.

  • Use own baton to hit a variety of objects in different ways.

  • Combine steering with other actions using bilateral movements.

  • Listen, respond and coordinate hands and feet to touch a target.