Curriculum Overview
Reception Spring 2
The following curriculum overview gives you details about what your child will be learning this half term in class. Please look at the links at the bottom of the page to see the different objectives that are being covered across a range of subjects and how you can help your child at home.
In Reception we do a lot of learning through exploration. Each day we have activities planned to develop your child’s knowledge and skills. We try and encourage them to direct the way the topic develops by asking questions that need to be investigated or by demonstrating a particular interest. Your child is encouraged to read, write, count and problem solve on a daily basis through challenges and careful questioning by the staff.
Ready Steady Grow
This project teaches children about food and farming and explores themes, including where food comes from, what plants and animals need to grow and survive and what constitutes a healthy lifestyle.
Driver: Understanding the World
Memorable Moments
Some of the memorable moments for our pupils this half term will include:
A trip to Lancaster Farm
Tasting a variety of foods
Making our own Parkfield Flower Show
The chick eggs arriving in school
A Special Mother's Day Assembly
Personal, Social and Emotional
This half term we will:
Recognise the importance of taking care of a shared environment.
Spruce up our gardens and get busy planting in our school grounds.
Name ways in which they can look after their learning environment.
Think about what makes the world special and beautiful.
Name ways in which they can help take care of the environment, e.g. recycling, saving energy, wasting less.
Talk about what can happen to living things if the world is not cared for.
Think about how to look after living things and what they need.
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Can label and talk about own and others’ emotions.
Responds well to more complex instructions in smaller groups, but can need visual reminders in larger groups.
Completes set challenges/tasks independently.
Is able to talk about ways that skills can be improved and to demonstrate pride in achievements.
Manages self
More confident to tackle new challenges and with encouragement will keep going.
Follows school and class rules and can talk about their importance.
Knows some ways to keep healthy.
Building Relationships
Can cooperate with others, listening and sharing some ideas and will listen to advice about how to solve disagreements.
Uses words to solve conflicts.
Takes turns in group activities.
Identifies how others feel and responds appropriately.
Communication and Language
This half term we will:
We will tell and record our news weekly.
Work more independently on tasks and ask for help if we need it.
We will talk to our parents during chatty challenge supporting our metacognition. (Repeated)
We will use our 'Come and talk about area' with weekly stimuli. (revisited)
We will vote for and listen to daily stories, non fiction books and poetry.
We will talk about preferences of books and justify why.
Retell stories we have read such as 'The Tunnel by Anthony Browne, A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson, The Seed by Eric Carle.
Recall main events from stories such as the story of Guru Nanak.
Be able to talk about people who are special to us, why we are special and what makes the world special.
Listen to podcasts/clips about non fiction topics, such as 'how plants grow,' 'Farmer Ted' and 'Let's go for a Walk.' Comment on what we have watched and remember key facts.
Develop storylines in our own play.
Tell stories based on stories we know changing bits using our own imagination.
Look at our own learning and recall what we can remember.
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Can switch attention from one task to another.
Follows complex instructions.
Responds to discussion with comments and questions.
Is able to listen in whole school Collective Worship and recall some of the themes and comments at a later stage.
Enjoys being part of conversations and discussions and uses new vocabulary in context.
Uses talk in different ways, in imaginative play, to develop thinking, to collaborate and plan with others and to express ideas.
Physical Development
This half term we will:
Write our RWI sounds
Hold a sentence
Conduct mini spelling sessions writing cvc words.
Continue to complete lots of funky finger tasks to support muscle strength
Complete dough disco and pen disco
Play a variety of ball, bean bag games
Use large equipment outside such as hoops, ropes and tyres to build muscles and add to our imaginative play.
Practise gymnastics safely
Have a weekly session with our PE specialist
Learn short routines and perform them to our friends.
Build and test different sized ramps.
Build and create large marble runs, directing water/balls.
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Fine Motor Skills
Sits at a table to write.
Holds a pencil in a tripod grip.
Uses scissors to cut around more complex shapes, e.g. split pin characters.
Gross Motor Skills
Can throw, kick, pass and catch a large ball.
Able to balance on and off equipment.
Can jump safely from a piece of equipment.
Recognise and say sounds represented by graphemes.
Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter-sound correspondences. Suggest what might happen at different points in a story
Describe the characters, events and settings in stories that have been read to them using recently introduced vocabulary.
Use phonic knowledge to blend sounds into words.
Join in with repeated refrains and anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.
Be aware of how the title and blurb give information about a book.
Use writing to communicate thoughts, ideas, experiences and events.
Write captions for pictures.
Labels parts of a plant.
Write full names on the line.
Phonics - Read, Write, Inc.
Read red story books.
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Has a good understanding of story structure and can retell and make up own stories using vocabulary that has been learnt.
Identifies non-fiction texts, remembering facts.
Word Reading
Reads books with a range of Phase 2 and 3 cvc words and tricky words and shows a good understanding of what has been read.
Reads all Phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
Says the sound for each Phase 2 and 3 grapheme.
Writes some upper case letters correctly.
Writes most lower case letters correctly using a tripod grip.
Says the sound for each Phase 2 and 3 grapheme.
Writes cvc words and labels using Phase 2 and 3 phonemes.
Spells some tricky words.
Write captions.
Is starting to write short sentences.
Uses finger spacing between words.
Reads sentences back to an adult.
Love to Read!
We will enjoy….
The Gigantic Turnip by Aleksei Tolstoy
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The Seed by Eric Carle
The Tunnel by Anthony Browne
A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson
Cardinality and Counting (revisited-consolidation)
Use numeral dice in games ; matching numerals with varied groups of things.
Correcting 'Maths Marvin' (puppet) who may say that there are more or fewer objects now as they have been moved around/spread out/pushed together.
Sharing out and grouping things in different ways- puppet complaining that its not fair as they have more/less
Encouraged to make different patterns with a given number of things.
Active counting songs -identifying patterns and numbers
Counting back from a given number
Convert two unequal groups into two that have the same number. Eg There are 6 apples in one bag and 2 in another bag; can we make the bags equal for the two hungry horses?
Explaining unfair sharing - "This one has more because it ahs 3 and this one only has 2. "
Comparing numbers that are far apart, near to, next to each other.
Play skittles, looking at how many have fallen how many are standing. How many are there altogether?
Numicon towers- layering up Numicon pieces of the same total
Using whole part model to demonstrate composition of numbers to 10.
Look at fabrics from different cultures and identify patterns
Spot patterns and predict what will happen next
Spot mistakes in patterns and say why it is a mistake
Challenge a friend to copy their pattern
Create a pattern around a circular plate
Explore patterns that work and patters that dont.
Go on a pattern hunt around school.
Shape and Space
Build a dinosaur land
Print using diffferent shapes and name them
Direct a robot along a route
Direct each other as robots
Make a huge marble run using the piping and outdoor water resources
Make faces using shapes and a range of materials (Picasso style)
Foil covered objects - pupils to guess the items inside
Use class timetable to understand the routine of the day
Odd one out games using length or height/ weight or size
Use the balancing station inside and out to compare objects/items
Estimate how many shoes will fit in a dinosaurs footprint
Use the filling up station to compare capacities/investigate items around school
Compare the capacity of bottles and glasses
Use class calendar to count down days/trips/celebrations
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Developing sense of numbers beyond 5 and can subitise to 6.
Confidently talks about the different ways that numbers can be made to 5 and is now applying this knowledge to numbers to 10.
Links subtraction facts to composition of numbers to 5.
Recalls some double facts to 10.
Numerical Patterns
Can count beyond 10 and is starting to recognise the pattern of the counting system to help count beyond 10.
Recognises patterns within number.
Shape, space and measure
Uses mathematical language to compare and talk about shape and size.
Understanding the World
This half term we will:
Look at plants and their parts and think about what each part does.
Create 3d models and be able to explain our model to our peers.
Design and develop a Parkfield flower show
Plant seeds and ensure that we look after them enabling them to grow successfully
Draw and make lifecycles of different insects
Write non- fiction sentences about bees and what they do.
Read a range of stories both fiction and non-fiction allowing us to identify flowers and their distinctive features
Visit the church for an Easter Service
Learn about the Easter story and why we celebrate Easter
Make maps of our local area
Make bicycle maps and tracks to follow
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Past and Present
Talks about significant historical events and how things were different in the past.
People Culture and Communities
Has a wider understanding of the wider world and draws comparisons between own local environment and other places.
Looks at, and makes maps, of local environment.
Describes a journey within the local environment.
Talks about some features of a Christian Church and knows that the school is connected to the churches in the local area.
Natural World
Has a good general knowledge about living things and the natural world and can describe features of different plants and animals recognising when they are the same and different.
Understands and uses some language related to animals, e.g. camouflage, predator, nocturnal, diurnal.
Expressive Arts and Design
This half term we will:
Create a 3d flower
Design our own mythical bugs/insects name them and talk about their features
Sketch a range of flowers using observation and pastels on different coloured paper
Play instruments in time thinking about pace and tempo
Use chalk outside to make bicycle paths and direct our friends
Use sticks and twigs to recreate artwork like Andy Goldworthy
Make a range of 3d shapes that can be glued/cellotaped to look like bees.
Use paint to make symmetrical butterflies
Learn the Spring Chicken song and perform it in church
Learn and perform a poem to the whole school and our parents
Perform a special Mother's Day dance
Perform a special Mother's day song with soloists
End of Spring Term Checkpoint
Creating with materials
Uses different techniques and materials to achieve the desired effect and can talk about what has been created.
Mixes colours to produce different shades and combines materials to create different textures.
Is beginning to plan a design before starting.
Uses a range of tools and equipment and selects the most appropriate tool or joining material for the job.
Being imaginative and expressive
Plays a range of percussion instruments and glockenspiel.
Uses instruments to compose own music.
Along with others, collects resources to develop own role play storylines.