Year 2 PSHE & RSE
PSHE and RSE lessons in Year 2. This is Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, including mental health and wellbeing. RSE education is: Relationships education, Relationships and sex education. Lesson plans are organised around the PSHE Association's Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, the new DfE guidance for Relationships Education and Health Education, the National Curriculum and Curriculum for excellence. PSHE education, including mental health and wellbeing lessons ensure progression in knowledge, attitudes and values, and skills – including the key skills of social and emotional learning, known to improve outcomes for children.
Autumn 1
Me and my Relationships
What does our ideal classroom look like?
Suggest actions that will contribute positively to the life of the classroom;
Make and undertake pledges based on those actions.
How are you feeling today?
Use a range of words to describe feelings;
Recognise that people have different ways of expressing their feelings;
Identify helpful ways of responding to other's feelings.
What makes you feel happy? What makes you feel sad? Why?
Recognise, name and understand how to deal with feelings (e.g. anger, loneliness);
Explain where someone could get help if they were being upset by someone else’s behaviour
Why is friendship special/important?
Recognise that friendship is a special kind of relationship;
Identify some of the ways that good friends care for each other.
What is bullying? How do I know it is bullying?
Explain the difference between bullying and isolated unkind behaviour;
Recognise that that there are different types of bullying and unkind behaviour;
Understand that bullying and unkind behaviour are both unacceptable ways of behaving.
What can I do if i think bullying is happening?
Understand and describe strategies for dealing with bullying:
Rehearse and demonstrate some of these strategies.
Autumn 2
Valuing Difference
What makes us who we are?
Identify some of the physical and non-physical differences and similarities between people;
Know and use words and phrases that show respect for other people.
Who are my specail people? What makes them special?
Identify people who are special to them;
Explain some of the ways those people are special to them.
How do we make others feel?
Recognise and explain how a person's behaviour can affect other people.
When someone is feeling left out
Explain how it feels to be part of a group;
Explain how it feels to be left out from a group;
Identify groups they are part of;
Suggest and use strategies for helping someone who is feeling left out.
An act of kindness
Recognise and describe acts of kindness and unkindness;
Explain how these impact on other people's feelings;
Suggest kind words and actions they can show to others;
Show acts of kindness to others in school
Solve the problem
Demonstrate active listening techniques (making eye contact, nodding head, making positive noises, not being distracted);
Suggest strategies for dealing with a range of common situations requiring negotiation skills to help foster and maintain positive relationships.
Spring 1
Keeping Safe
How can I keep myself safe?
Harold's picnic
Understand that medicines can sometimes make people feel better when they’re ill;
Give examples of some of the things that a person can do to feel better without use of medicines, if they are unwell;
Explain simple issues of safety and responsibility about medicines and their use
How safe would you feel?
Identify situations in which they would feel safe or unsafe;
Suggest actions for dealing with unsafe situations including who they could ask for help.
What should Harold say?
Identify situations in which they would need to say 'Yes', 'No', 'I'll ask', or 'I'll tell', in relation to keeping themselves and others safe.
I don't like that!
Recognise that body language and facial expression can give clues as to how comfortable and safe someone feels in a situation;
Identify the types of touch they like and do not like;
Identify who they can talk to if someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.
Fun or not?
Recognise that some touches are not fun and can hurt or be upsetting;
Know that they can ask someone to stop touching them;
Identify who they can talk to if someone touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.
Should I tell?
Identify safe secrets (including surprises) and unsafe secrets;
Recognise the importance of telling someone they trust about a secret which makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
Spring 2
Rights and Respect
How can I get on with others in my class?
Describe and record strategies for getting on with others in the classroom.
When I feel like erupting-How can I behave positively even if I dont feel like it?
Explain, and be able to use, strategies for dealing with impulsive behaviour.
Feeling safe
Identify special people in the school and community who can help to keep them safe;
Know how to ask for help.
Playing games
Harold saves for something special
Understand that people have choices about what they do with their money;
Know that money can be saved for a use at a future time;
Explain how they might feel when they spend money on different things.
How can we look after our environment?
Identify what they like about the school environment;
Identify any problems with the school environment (e.g. things needing repair);
Make suggestions for improving the school environment;
Recognise that they all have a responsibility for helping to look after the school environment.
Summer 1
Being my Best
You can do it
Explain the stages of the learning line showing an understanding of the learning process;
Help themselves and others develop a positive attitude that support their wellbeing;
Identify and describe where they are on the learning line in a given activity and apply its positive mindset strategies to their own learning.
My day
Understand and give examples of things they can choose themselves and things that others choose for them;
Explain things that they like and dislike, and understand that they have choices about these things;
Understand and explain that some choices can be either healthy or unhealthy and can make a difference to their own health.
Harold's Postcard- Helping us to keep clean and healthy
Explain how germs can be spread;
Describe simple hygiene routines such as hand washing;
Understand that vaccinations can help to prevent certain illnesses.
Harold's bathroom
Explain the importance of good dental hygiene;
Describe simple dental hygiene routines.
What does my body do?
Name major internal body parts (heart, blood, lungs, stomach, small and large intestines, brain);
Describe how food, water and air get into the body and blood.
Basic first aid
Summer 2
Growing and Changing
A helping hand
Demonstrate simple ways of giving positive feedback to others.
Sam moves away
Recognise the range of feelings that are associated with losing (and being reunited) with a person they are close to.
Haven't you grown
Identify different stages of growth (e.g. baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult);
Understand and describe some of the things that people are capable of at these different stages.
My body, your body
Identify which parts of the human body are private;
Explain that a person's genitals help them to make babies when they are grown up;
Understand that humans mostly have the same body parts but that they can look different from person to person.
Respecting privacy
Explain what privacy means;
Know that you are not allowed to touch someone’s private belongings without their permission;
Give examples of different types of private information.
Some secrets should never be kept
Identify how inappropriate touch can make someone feel;
Understand that there are unsafe secrets and secrets that are nice surprises;
Explain that if someone is being touched in a way that they don’t like they have to tell someone in their safety network so they can help it stop.