
As soon as a child at Parkfield is able to form letters we teach handwriting using a continuous cursive style. The selected information below has been taken from the school's handwriting policy: 


Children must be able to write with ease, speed and legibility. If they have difficulty, this will limit fluency and inhibit the quality and quantity of their work. It is important that the child’s handwriting becomes a skill that requires little effort and thought, so that creative and physical energy can be focused on the content of writing, rather than upon the act.

We adhere to The British Dyslexia Association’s recommendation that children learn the continuous cursive style. The key advantages are:


Teaching and Learning:

In order to achieve these aims, the following principles are followed:

Entitlement and Curriculum Provision

Handwriting is taught regularly through short, focused sessions and may be linked with spelling, grammar or phonics objectives. 

The daily phonics session in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, provide opportunities to form letters correctly. 

Handwriting Scheme

Parkfield usese the 'Letter Join' handwriting scheme from Years 1-6.

Celebrating Success

Pupils with special educational needs or disabilities

The SENCO will provide resources for those who have difficulty with fine motor skills – pencil grips, fine motor control programmes and referrals where necessary. Children may need additional support and work in small groups or one-one.


Writing and handwriting are taught in conjunction with the Read Write Inc Phonics programme and in the various areas of learning in Reception Class. 

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Year 1

End of Year Expectations

Autumn Term

The children will continue to print letters, using the correct formation and when they are secure with this, they will then begin to look at leading into and out of letters to get ready to join. 

Unit 3 Joining Letters (Cursive Upright)


i, l, t, u, y, j, r, n, m, h, b, k, c, o, a, g, d, q, p, e, s, f, v, w, x, z, it, ill, in, ip, ick, ing, ig

Unit 2



Spring  and Summer Term

Unit 4 Joins and patterns (Cursive Upright)


ab, ack, ad, ag, all, am, amp, an, and, ank, ar, ash, atch, aw, ay, et, ell, en, est, ick, iff, ig, in, ing, ip, it, ob, ock, og, op, ot, ub, uck, ug, um, un, ut 

Year 2

End of Year Expectations

Autumn Term

Unit 5 Handwriting linked to spelling (Cursive Slanted)


sh, ch, wh, th, bl, cl, gl, cr, dr, tr, sm, sn, sp, cl, sl, days of the week, months of the year, colours, number words

Spring Term

Unit 5 Handwriting linked to spelling (Cursive Slanted)


ake, ike, oke, ade, ide, ode, ate, ite, ute, ai, ay, eigh, ea, ey, a, aigh, ee, ea, e-e, ie, ey, e, i-e, igh, ie, y, ye, ode, ai, ee, igh, o-e, oa, old, , ow, ou, ough, oo, ew, u-e, ue, u, ou, ui, ar, or, er, un, dis, vi, wi. 

Summer Term

Unit 6    Practising a cursive style (Cursive Slanted)


ai, ar, un, er, ir, ur, air, are, aer, eir, ear, ore, oor, tt, mm, dd, bb, ou, vi, wi, un, dis, de, re, pre, ab, ul, it, mis, non, ex, co, anti, ol, wh, ot, ful, ly, less. 

Year 3

End of Year Expectations

Autumn Term

Unit 6    Practising a cursive style (Cursive Slanted)


ai, ar, un, er, ir, ur, air, are, aer, eir, ear, ore, oor, tt, mm, dd, bb, ou, vi, wi, un, dis, de, re, pre, ab, ul, it, mis, non, ex, co, anti, ol, wh, ot, ful, ly, less. 

Spring and Summer Term

Unit 7 Developing fluency (Cursive Slanted)


ar, ai, ab, un, ou, vi, wi, it, al, ul, ot, wh 

Year 4

End of Key Stage Expectations

Autumn, Spring and Summer Term

Unit 7 Developing fluency (Cursive Slanted)

Year 5

End of Key Stage Expectations

Autumn, Spring and Summer Term

Unit 8 The craft of handwriting (Cursive Slanted)

Year 6

End of Key Stage Expectations

Autumn, Spring and Summer Term

Unit 9 Speed, presentation and layout (Cursive Slanted)