Year 2 Music

Music lessons in year 2...

By the end of Year 2 children will

                                                   Play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically.

                                                   Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music.

                                                  Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

3. Perform and Share: Use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. 

                                                  Play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically.

Autumn Term

Autumn 1 - Call and response (Animals)

To copy a short sound pattern.

To explore call and response using instruments

To create sound patterns based on call and response

To perform different sound patterns with contrasting dynamics

Autumn 2 - Instruments (Musical storytelling)

To explore listening and analysing  a piece of music in relation to a story.

To explore how music and sound effects can tell a story.

To select appropriate sounds to match events, characters and feelings in a story.

To suggest appropriate sounds to represent parts of a story.

To perform a composition showing changes in tempo and dynamics

Spring Term

Spring 1 - Singing (On this island)

To learn a British folk song

To practise and perform a song relating to the countryside

To practise and perform a song relating to the city.

To create symbols to represent sounds

To develop and perform a musical composition.

Spring 2 - Contrasting dynamics


To create a simple soundscape using dynamic changes.

To listen to music and respond creatively, considering how dynamics can be represented.

To compare two pieces of music.

To  create a short pitch pattern yo represent a planet.

To perform a pitch pattern representing a planet, using  vocal and instrumental sounds and changes in dynamics.

Summer Term

Summer 1 - Structrue (Myths and Legends)

To read and clap a rhythm based on a phrase from a story.

To hear, write and clap rhythms based on a phrase from a story.

To use a rhythm in different ways to demonstrate structure.

To create a structure using rhythmic patterns.

To perform a group composition

Summer 2 - Pitch (Musical Me)

To understand and practise reading different symbols to show pitch.

To sing and draw pitch patterns

To read and understand the notation for the song 'Once a man fell in a well'.

To use a tuned percussion instrument to play a song.

To complete the notation for a short song using a three-line stave.