Year 2 Music

Music lessons in year 2...

By the end of Year 2 children will

  1. Listen and Appraise: Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music. The children will continue to listen to a variety of musical styles from different times, traditions and composers. They will learn to recognise the sounds of musical instruments and basic features of key musical styles. Discussions will be encouraged using musical language.

  2. Musical Activities: Use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

Play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically.

Listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high quality live and recorded music.

Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music.

3. Perform and Share: Use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

Play tuned and un-tuned instruments musically.

Autumn Term

Autumn 1 - West African call and response (Animals)

  • To create short sequences of sound.

  • To copy a short rhythm and recognise simple notation.

  • To learn a traditional song from Ghana.

  • To create rhythms based on 'call and response'.

  • To add dynamics to a structure of rhythms.

Autumn 2 - Orchestral instruments (Western Stories)

  • To listen and analyse an orchestral version of a traditional story.

  • To listen and analyse a film musical version of a traditional story.

  • To select appropriate sounds to match events, characters and feelings in a story.

  • To write a playscript and select appropriate musical sounds to accompany it.

  • To perform a story script with accompanying music

Spring Term

Spring 1 - Musical me

  • To sing and play an instrument at the same time.

  • To choose and play appropriate dynamics and timbres for a piece of music.

  • To use musical notation to play melodies.

  • To use letter notation to write my own melody.

  • To use timbre and dynamics in musical composition.

Spring 2 - Dynamics, timbre, tempo and motifs (Space)

  • To create a simple soundscape for effect.

  • To listen for and recognise some basic elements of music.

  • To compare two pieces of music.

  • To be able to create short sequences of sound.

  • To be able to create short sequences of sound.

  • To be able to create short sequences of sound and perform with accuracy.


Summer Term

Summer 1 - On the island (British songs and sounds)

  • To learn about the music of the British Isles.

  • To learn about the music of the British Isles and create music of their own.

  • To compose a piece of music as part of a group.

  • To evaluate and improve a group composition.

Summer 2 - Myths and Legends

  • To create a rhythm.

  • To show structure on a graphic score.

  • To write a graphic score to show structure.

  • To compose a piece of music with a given structure

  • To perform a group composition.