Curriculum Overview
Reception (Autumn 2)
The following curriculum overview gives you details about what your child will be learning this half term in class. Please look at the links at the bottom of the page to see the different objectives that are being covered across a range of subjects and how you can help your child at home.
In Reception we do a lot of learning through exploration. Each day we have activities planned to develop your child’s knowledge and skills. We try and encourage them to direct the way the topic develops by asking questions that need to be investigated or by demonstrating a particular interest. Your child is encouraged to read, write, count and problem solve on a daily basis through challenges and careful questioning by the staff.
Celebrations/ Dinosaurs
Our priority this half term is to continue building on the routines and expectations set in autumn 1, encourage the children to become more independent and begin to regulate their emotions, whilst continuing to contribute to the Parkfield community.
As they are now on their journey as Proud Parkfielders we aim to instil confidence and ambition in the pupils. (Such as staring in our nativity)
We hope that all Parkfielders have now made good relationships with both peers and staff and that we can continue our learning journey, knowing our pupils well.
This interest-led project teaches children about the technology that is part of their daily lives and how machines help us. The project gives children the opportunity to build and create marvellous machines.
Driver: Understanding the World
Memorable Moments
Some of the memorable moments for our pupils this half term will include:
Performing in a nativity.
Going to the Pantomime.
Going to the church.
Going on an winter welly walk.
Completing weekly baking tasks led by our learning and pupil interests.
Personal, Social and Emotional
This half term we will:
Describe what they would do if they saw something online that made them sad, scared or worried
Know that if they see something online that makes that sad, scared or worried, they should tell an adult straight away.
Know that rules keep us safe when using equipment. Safety rules include always listening carefully and following simple instructions, using equipment only for the tasks they are designed for and washing hands before touching food.
Follow rules and instructions to keep safe
Play cooperatively with others and take turns
Know it is important to share resources and take turns in order to get on with others.
Consider and manage some risks without direct adult supervision and is able to follow routines and structure with increasing independence.
We will continue to cook/bake weekly and understand the importance of hand washing and keeping our selves clean and safe.
We will recognise our feelings and remember the strategies we have learnt to help us with that feeling.
We will talk to our friends about our likes and dislikes and respect our differences.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Can become engrossed in an activity and finds it difficult to switch attention to another task.
Can identify a wider range of feelings, e.g. scared, excited, angry, frustrated, nervous, worried and joyful.
Can focus attention in a whole class group for a teaching session, e.g. phonics.
Is willing to keep trying if something is difficult or challenging.
Manages self
Makes independent choices and is confident to try new things although prefers to choose activities that are within their capability.
Perseveres with fastenings on coats and follows instructions to dress and undress for PE and Forest School.
Washes hands without reminders.
Building Relationships
Is aware of the needs of others but can find it hard to let others take the lead.
Interacts with a variety of children and is building good relationships with adults and other children.
Is able to identify when another child is upset and respond appropriately.
Communication and Language
This half term we will:
be able to compare different festivals.
to make comments about their observations.
to be able to talk about how different people celebrate.
to begin to talk about why things happen using new vocabulary learnt.
Share our experiences with Pedro.
Talk to our parents using our chatty challenge
Recall our learning experiences and share them with our parents.
We will listen to a range of stories as listed.
Articulate their ideas and thoughts in well-formed sentences and describe events using some detail.
Explain that digital technology is used in the home and at school for communication.
Listen carefully in a range of situations and is aware of the importance of listening.
Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction books to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary.
Ask a relevant scientific question to find out more, explain how things work and why they might happen
Develop storylines in their pretend play and use talk to help work out problems and organise thinking and activities.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Listens carefully at story time and can retain what has been heard and recall key points.
Responds to a series of instructions and responds to a range of questions.
Contributes relevant comments in discussions.
Communicates confidently with peers and adults.
Uses talks to communicate needs, news, feelings and ideas.
Uses new vocabulary.
Physical Development
This half term we will:
Select appropriate tools and media to draw with.
Use a variety of paper and fabric to make images.
Move energetically and repeatedly, with improved fluency, control and grace when dancing and moving in time to music.
Create art in different ways on a theme, to express their ideas and feelings.
Make simple prints using a variety of tools, including print blocks and rollers.
Manipulate malleable materials into a variety of shapes and forms using their hands and other simple tools.
Develop the foundations of a handwriting style by using a tripod grip to form lower-case and capital letters correctly.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Fine Motor Skills
Attempts to use a tripod grip with some consistency.
Often chooses to draw, representing recognisable objects or shapes in work.
Use scissors to cut along curved lines, holding scissors in the correct position.
Is able to mould and shape clay with fingers and tools.
Gross Motor Skills
Uses a range of ways to move appropriately, e.g. jumping, hopping, sliding.
Can climb over, under and through obstacles, e.g. climbing frame and large construction obstacle courses.
Uses large construction to build.
Recognise and say sounds represented by graphemes.
Blend sounds into words, so that they can read short words made up of known letter-sound correspondences. Suggest what might happen at different points in a story
Describe the characters, events and settings in stories that have been read to them using recently introduced vocabulary.
Use phonic knowledge to blend sounds into words.
Join in with repeated refrains and anticipate key events and phrases in rhymes and stories.
Be aware of how the title and blurb give information about a book.
Use writing to communicate thoughts, ideas, experiences and events.
Phonics - Read, Write, Inc.
Read all Set 1 sounds; blend sounds into words orally.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Has a love of stories and listens attentively to story time.
Enjoys talking to others about favourite stories.
Is able to talk about the main events in the story and predict what might happen.
Can retell a story using role play or small world resources, using some story language.
Word Reading
Can match Phase 2 graphemes and phonemes.
Can blend and read Phase 2 cvc words.
Can read Phase 2 captions.
Can read Phase 2 tricky words.
Can segment and spell Phase 2 cvc words.
Can match Phase 2 graphemes and phonemes.
Writes cvc words and labels.
Is starting to write simple captions.
Says a simple sentence for writing (oral and count words).
Writes some lower case letters correctly.
Uses some upper case letters, e.g. for own name, Mum and Dad.
Love to Read!
We will enjoy….
The Story of Rama and Sita
Remember Remember the 5th November by Deborah Webb
Bible stories
Dear Dinosaurs by Chae Strathie
Tyrannosaurus drip
Stomp Chop! Big Roar! here comes the dinosaurs
Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow
And Non-fiction titles such as;
Why do seasons change? DK find out
A little book of Woodland songs
Autumn is here by Michael Herschell
Night and Day by Jim Pipe
My Very First Dinosaurs Book by Alex Frith
Lost and Found
Dear Santa
Cardinality and Counting
Recall number bonds to five and explore the different ways that groups of six–10 objects can be represented. Examples include, three and four together make seven, and seven take away four leaves three.
Count objects, actions and sounds, up to 10 forwards and backwards, beginning at zero, one or any given number and link numerals with its cardinal number value.
We will count things that cannot be moved, pictures on a screen, faces on a shape etc.
We will sing the shape song.
We will play games and practise counting along a track/count on dice.
We will play hidden object games. Objects are revealed and hidden under a bowl, shuffled around and asked how many there are.
Find one more or one less than numbers to 10.
We will collect a large number of things and a small number of things and compare. Using more/less
We will look at groups that have an equal amount.
We will spot labelling errors. Eg this group has 5 in but the label says 4.
Explore addition and subtraction with numbers to 10, using concrete objects, pictorial representations and number lines.
We will encourage children to talk about the arrangements they can see within a whole. Eg There are 2 red candles and 3 blue and there are 5 altogether.
We will look at taking away from a whole and check the new amount.
We will practice our number bonds to 5.
Shape and Space
Use mathematical names for common 2-D shapes and explore shapes in their play.
Use simple positional language to describe where things are in relation to each other and give directions.
We will continue to make AB patterns. Using a range of resources Eg stick, leaf, stick, leaf, stick, leaf.
We will encourage children to spot an error in a pattern.
We will describe our pattern.
We will make circular patterns, such as wreath/necklace.
Use simple timers to measure periods of time.
Pupils will experiment with balance
Pupils will experiment with length and width.
We will compare parcel sixes, heavy parcels light parcels.
We will set up an estimation station- How many each day?
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Can subitise to 5 and is beginning to talk about the different ways that amounts of 5 can be made.
Numerical Patterns
Counts objects accurately to 10 using one to one correspondence and can identify when objects have the same, less that or more than.
Recognises numbers to 10 and puts them in order.
Shape, space and measure
Uses some shape names appropriately and understands prepositional language.
Creates a repeated pattern with colour and shape.
Understanding the World
This half term we will:
know that some celebration are specific to some cultures, for example Diwali is usually celebrated by Hindu's and Sikhs and Christmas is celebrated by Christians.
Explore and discuss similarities between aspects of their life and life in the past, using books, stories and pictures.
We will learn about dinosaurs and specific vocabulary such as extinct, fossil, paleontologist, carnivore and herbivore.
We will celebrate Chinese new year and learn how it is celebrated traditionally.
We will join in whole school assemblies and be part of the whole school community.
We will use computer/iPads to support our learning.
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Past and Present
Understands the difference between past and present and is building up knowledge of key historical events through topics, stories and community events, e.g. Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day.
People Culture and Communities
Listens carefully to stories about different places and is beginning to recognise that different places have different features, e.g. recognising the difference between life in this country and other countries.
Knows about some celebrations and is able to talk about how they might be celebrated, e.g. Christmas, Advent, Diwali.
Knows that Collective Worship is part of the life of the school community.
Natural World
Describes some features of plants and animals and identifies when things are the same and different.
Notices, observes and talks about seasonal changes.
Expressive Arts and Design
This half term we will:
Create collaboratively, share ideas and use a variety of resources to make products inspired by existing products, stories or their own ideas, interests or experiences.
Explore ways to create simple rhythms and sound effects using found objects, percussion instruments and their voices.
Use natural materials and loose parts to make 2-D and 3-D art.
Describe what, why and how something was made and compare with others.
Construct simple structures and models using a range of materials.
We will make firework pictures using a variety of mediums such as paint, chalk, shapes, and pipe cleaners.
We will use salt dough to make Diwali lamps and decorate them.
We will perform in a nativity for the school and parents.
We will learn a range of songs to support our learning such as;
The Season song
?Commo te llamas? What’s your name?
Remember, remember poem
Shape song
End of Autumn Term Checkpoint
Makes some independent choices about the resources needed and talks about creations.
Uses different textures in creations and will combine media.
Cuts along curved lines with scissors and uses moulding tools with malleable materials.
Uses a range of shapes and colours to represent observational drawings.
Plays alongside others to develop storylines in role play or small world.
Sings familiar songs.
Rehearses for, and performs in, the nativity play.
Moves in response to music.