Reception Music
Autumn Term
Autumn 1 - Exploring Sound
Vocal sounds
To explore our voices to make a variety of sounds.
Body Sounds
To explore how to use our bodies to make sounds.
To explore different sounds and think about tempo.
Instrumental Sounds
To explore the sounds of different instruments.
To experiment with tempo and dynamic when playing instruments.
Environmental sounds
To identify sounds in the environment and differentiate between them.
To use musical vocabulary when describing environmental sounds .
Nature sounds
To identify and describe familiar nature sounds and differentiate between them.
To use voices to imitate natural sounds.
Autumn 2 - Celebration Music
Diwali Music -
Learn about the festival of Diwali and respond to music through movement
Hanukkah Music -
Learn some of the dances and instruments from the festival of Hanukkah
Kwanzaa Music -
To take part in a traditional call and response song
To find classroom objects to use as drums and play in response to African music.
Traditional Christmas Music -
To learn about traditional Christmas music.
To take part in a group song involving singing, voice sounds and playing instruments.
Christmas Action Songs
To suggest appropriate actions to match song lyrics.
To sing and move to Christmas songs.
Spring Term
Spring 1 - Music and Movement
Action songs
Learn why songs have actions and some simple Makaton signs to accompany a song.
Finding the beat
Explore the beat through body movement
Exploring tempo
Learn to recognise and react to different tempos in music
Exploring tempo and pitch through dance
Learn to express different pitch and tempo in music through dance
Music and movement performance
Perform two movement and movement songs.
Spring 2 - Transport
Exploring the sounds of transport
Exploring the sounds of different types of vehicles
Exploring and mimicking the sounds of a train.
Exploring sounds heard on and around boats
Interpreting symbols to reflect a cars journey
Transport Journey
Demonstrating simple rhythms on an instrument
Summer Term
Summer 1 - Musical stories
Moving to Music
Listen to the lyrics and melody of the 'Teddy Bears Picnic' and follow instructions to move to the music, changing their movements to reflect the tempo, pitch or dynamic of the piece
Storytelling with actions
Use actions to tell the story of 'The Sleeping Princess' before singing and performing a group song based on the story.
Using instruments to represent actions
Children are divided into small groups and allocated a section of the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' with corresponding instruments to play.
Musical story composition
To create a musical story based upon a familiar routine.
Musical story performance
To create a musical story based upon a familiar routine.
To use instruments to represent moods or actions.
To play an instrument as part of a group story.
Summer 2 - Big Band
What makes an instrument
To discuss what makes a musical instrument
To use recyclable materials to create a simple musical instrument.
Introduction to the orchestra
To learn what an orchestra is
To learn about the four different groups of musical instruments
Follow the beat
To copy and follow the beat
To follow a beat using an untuned instrument
Tuned and untuned instruments
To experiment with playing tuned and untuned instruments
To play in time to familiar songs
Big band performance
To choose appropriate instruments to represent different parts of a song.
To perform a practised song to a small instrument.