Physical Education 🏀
Our vision for PE works in line with the whole school ethos. We are an inclusive school where every child matters. We are committed to raising achievement and we endeavour to help all children attain their full potential by:
practising child centred education
recognising that all children bring some strengths to the school
building confidence
encouraging independent learning and individual initiative
helping children work alongside each other
Here at Parkfield we believe every child should have the chance to participate in Physical Education, Physical Activity or School Sport on a regular basis in order to become physically and mentally confident and competent. Through all the sporting opportunities the children are given we want every child to develop a love, enjoyment and a passion for sport therefore continuing this into their later lives. As part of our commitment to make every child active, we provide an extensive and inclusive range of clubs, some of which target less active pupils, reluctant physical learners and children who are pupil premium.
Curriculum Coverage
PE (Gymnastics, Athletics, Games, Dance, and Swimming in KS2) is taught twice a week and is not generally taught in a cross-curricular approach. At Parkfield Primary School we believe that physical education experience in a safe and supportive environment is a vital and unique contributor to a pupil's physical and emotional health, development and well-being. The physical education programme aims to provide for pupil's increasing self-confidence through the ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations.
The school employs a PE specialist which supports the school when taking part in inter-school games and athletic events. It also allows ample opportunity for children to take part in high quality extra-curricular activities such as: football, netball, hockey, rugby, basketball, cricket and much more.
During curriculum time, children take part in a number of inter house competitions each half term. This gives children the opportunity to apply their skills in a competitive situation.
The long term overview below details the PE activities that the children in each class will cover over the year. More importantly, the links directly below this table detail the knowledge, skills and understanding that pupils will learn each year.
Curriculum Coverage - Access (How we support children with SEND to achieve in PE)
Here at Parkfield, we believe every child should have access to the PE curriculum. We ensure this by providing the following:-
A range of resources are available to the children to ensure they can access the learning (i.e. a range of different sized and weighted balls to develop catching skills).
A varied curriculum that focuses on developing skills to become life-long learners rather than solely physical ability. This therefore enables all children to succeed at their own pace.
Opportunities to work in a collaborative way. Working in smaller groups allows the children to voice their own ideas and opinions, building their confidence, boosting self esteem and developing their social skills. This also enables children to feed back to each other and think critically about their work and performance, setting new targets and aspirations.
When modelling peer-evaluation, we emphasise the need for empathy. Children with SEND may be supported to give tactful but useful feed back to their peers with consideration for the feelings of others.
After School Sports Clubs
Our After School Sports Clubs offer a safe environment where the children will build social skills and confidence levels while increasing their physical abilities and taking part in something they enjoy.
These clubs take part on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school. Children attend school in their PE kit on the day of their club.
British Values in PE
Democracy - There is a code of conduct for the school that permeates all subjects, including PE. Children are taught about the need for different roles and different responsibilities, including teamwork and decision making. A pupil voice for PE & School Sport (e.g. re curriculum, extracurricular activities, kit).
The Rule of Law - Children are taught about age appropriate rules, fairness and respect, through a variety of PE activities. Children learn to work individually and in groups. An established ethos in PE with regard to how to win and lose fairly and understand good sportsperson ship. Competition against oneself is encouraged in addition to competition against others
Individual Liberty - PE recognises individual differences. There is an ethos where the views of individual children are listened to and respected within an acceptable framework. Children are taught about safety.
Mutual Respect - Mutual respect is taught and given when children are expressing their opinions and beliefs. Children are taught and encouraged to show respect to each other’s beliefs, feelings and opinions by giving each child a forum to share these on and an expectation that these must be listened to. Children are taught about the environment and different activity contexts.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs - Children are taught about historical, cultural and religious differences, through a variety of PE activities. The culture in PE respects cultural differences. The school engages in competition and encourages competition within and across the community.
Intra House Competitions
At the end of each term we hold Intra House competitions, between our four houses. This gives all children the opportunity to take part in different sports and multi skilled activities to earn points for their house.
Sports Day is also one of the most exciting events of the summer term! A large part of physical education is about participation and success. In our sports day all the children participate in a carousel of activities competing against each other, enjoying themselves, and using the skills they have learnt in P.E lessons.
The children earn points for their houses and then an overall winning house is announced at the end of the vent.

The learning intentions taught within each unit of work are detailed by clicking on the year group links below.
PE Policy