

Writing from Years 1-6 it taught using the principles of ‘The Write Stuff’ by Jane Considine. All staff are trained in this approach and the children are familiar with this style of writing lessons. Quality texts and stimuli are used to form the basis for all writing lessons. Lessons are a mix of ‘experience days’ and writing lessons, which build up to a best write. Lessons are split into learning chunks: ‘initiate’ by the teacher, ‘modelling’ and demonstration writing followed by ‘enable’ which is the pupil writing. Learning approaches such as CHOT - chatting and jotting / KCO - kind calling out are used. Children will use the left page of their writing book as a ‘thinking side’ and their right page as a ‘writing side’. Pupils may also use ‘shadometers’ to think about the intensity of their vocabulary and sentence stacking techniques will be used and displayed on the walls of the classroom. ‘Lenses’ will support different sentence structures and there is a high emphasis on quality vocabulary. Writing rainbows are also used to support the teaching of grammar. Children who are in the lowest 20% will have scaffolds to support them in their writing where appropriate. Higher attaining pupils will ‘deepen the moment’. When children have written their own similar text independently, they will be taught the skills of editing.

In KS1, we use the Mighty Writer boards to enhance the teaching and learning of writing. Mighty Writer breaks the writing process down into manageable chunks, enabling the development of key literacy skills so that children of all abilities can begin to write with confidence.

Long term plans for writing are mapped out over the year and high quality texts are chosen to immerse children in the writing experience. There is an emphasis on prioritising fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Children have the opportunity to write for a range or purposes and audiences throughout their time at Parkfield.

In EYFS, alongside letter formation taught in RWI, children will be taught to build up their mark – making into writing in many areas of continuous provision. This work will be guided and independent. There will be examples of this as part of their learning journeys and ongoing assessments.

Handwriting is taught discretely and within English lessons where appropriate. (See Handwriting policy).


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Year 1

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Year 2

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Year 3

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Year 4

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Year 5

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Year 6

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