Groundbreaking Greeks
Year 5
Unit Overview
This unit teaches children about developments and changes over six periods of ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece.
Time Team lesson. Working together in pairs, sequencing information chronologically. When they come across a missing piece of information, use research to fill in the missing links.
Throughout this unit of work we will be writing a podcast to present which Ancient Greek idea was the greatest.
In this unit of work we will be taking part in some races during Sports Day as our own version of the Olympic games.
Unit Sequence: Learning Intentions
Introductory knowledge. To sequence and make connections between periods of world history on a timeline.
Time Teams. To use a range of historical sources or artefacts to build a picture of a historical event or person.
Sources of evidence. Find evidence from different sources, identify bias and form balanced arguments.
Comparing the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations. & Discovering and comparing the Dark Age and the Archaic period. To compare and contrast an aspect of history across two or more periods studied.
City States. To study a feature of a past civilisation or society.
Democracy in Athens. To explore the validity of a range of historical reports and use books, technology and other sources to check accuracy.
The Acropolis. To articulate and organise important information and detailed historical accounts using topic related vocabulary.
Ancient and modern Olympic Games. To describe the achievements and influence of the ancient Greeks on the wider world.
Greek arts and culture. To describe the achievements and influence of the ancient Greeks on the wider world.
Achievements of Alexander the Great. To use a range of historical sources or artefacts to build a picture of a historical event or person.
The Ancient Greeks greatest idea. To explain why an aspect of world history is significant.
Assessment/Gods and Monsters Quiz
Write and record a Podcast to explain the Ancient Greek's greatest idea.
The class will be a range of non-fiction texts.